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Free slurps

Not paying to get your dick sucked

Ayy girl you gonna give me some free slurps

by What the fuck it ain't working May 14, 2017

Slurp Life

Living happy and unapertured , irrespective of whatever challenge you are facing.

Lost your job? Problem no dey finish, Slurp Life

by Slurp Life October 16, 2023

Slurp Life

Living happy and unapertured , irrespective of whatever challenge you are facing.

Lost your job? Problem no dey finish, Slurp Life

by Slurp Life October 16, 2023

Slurp Lickiston

A term used to describe one that likes to slurp liquid from an ass, generally of the opposite sex.

That guy totally pulled a slurp lickiston on me last night in bed after we ate Taco Bell. The sensation was immaculate.

by the waffler May 31, 2022

Slurp Brain

When you are so out of it that your brain feels like mush. As if you could stick a straw into your ear and slurp your brain out.

"I can't stop giggling right now. Major case of slurp brain."

"I'm so out of it."
"Slurp brain?"
"Yes, it's all mush up there right now"

by chodemeister37 October 16, 2017

Pussy slurp

A pussy slurp is a wetter version of a queef

Girl I don’t know what you trying to hide but that noise was a pussy slurp

by So Fonda Peters March 29, 2022

Slurp juice

When you are playing fortnite and your girl takes a HUGE green shit in your mouth and you slurp in down your throught

I was bout to catch a dub but then my girl gave me a slurp juice

by Omw to fuck your bitch December 23, 2020