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A very proper teenage boy that thinks he is an old man who likes everything to be formal. He enjoys pastimes that were usually enjoyed in the century before his current time. A Nick will always start to bald during his middle teenage years and will never admit that this is actual balding, but rather that the shower pressure is too high. He enjoys listening to a wide range of old music, but if this old music is remixed into a modern rap version, he will not enjoy it at all. In fact, he will grumble and complain about it like the old man he thinks he is.

*Somebody listening to 'Baby Come Back'*

Friend: "Oh you are such a Nick!"

Nick: "Oh don't be so ridiculous!"

by TWSSAV December 10, 2019


A nick is one of those people who are just a bit weird and stupid it sometimes he can be quite cool but you don't really want to be near him all the girls think he is ugly and dumb

Your boyfriend is such a nick

by Urban2468words u didn't know November 7, 2017


Nick is an asshole and a bitch. He tries to hit on your girl and is a bitch about it.

Is that Nick hitting on my girl? Heโ€™s an asshole for doing so and a bitch for showing off.

by NickIsABitch February 22, 2019


A Super caknuckle belt buckle banana truffle, chicken bone skin tone leave me alone chromosome metronome gotta go lonely bone only snow body bone google Chrome ice cream Cone boy who eats khakis for fun

Wtf Nick you ate my kid
Nick: I was hungry

by Uhhhkhakis March 10, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


something that chooses when to exist

wheres nick

theres nick

by MR.Psycho_yt February 12, 2022


a literal god. immortal. every man is scared of him. can end 10 lives with a single blink. also has never done anything wrong, never will, and never can.

guy 1: โ€œi donโ€™t really like that guyโ€
guy 2: โ€œwho?โ€
guy 1: โ€œnickโ€
guy 2: โ€œWHAT????????????โ€
*the first guy dies*
guy 2: โ€œhe deserved itโ€

by going inane March 25, 2022

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Big dick

Nick has a big dick it hurt my pussy

by No Twinkie December 31, 2020

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