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March 26th

on march 26th it is @atsushinakapeema on tiktoks birthday! everyone make sure to wish him a happy birthday then.

oh wow, it’s march 26th? that means it’s atsushinakapeemas birthday!! i’m gonna go wish them a happy birthday!

by ewmmaa March 24, 2021

march 26th

march 26th the day you bully your short friend! if you have a short friend make sure to bully them!

look it’s march 26th! the day i get to bully my short friend!

by AsianFlake March 25, 2021

February 26th

National Ranboo day. Also his YooTooz came out today!! I GOT ONE AHHH!!!!!

Me: yo what day it it man(oh god this is a joke and I still cringe)
My non mcyt friend: February 26th, why?

by Royal bean February 27, 2021

February 26th

An International holiday called Junkomaeda Day, where we praise our Lord Junkomaeda.

Hey, guess what day it is?

February 26th?

Junkomaeda Day!

by JOIN JUNKOMAEDA August 29, 2021

February 26th

Junkomaeda Day, where we praise our Lord and Saviour, Junkomaeda.

Guess what day it is?

February 26th?

No, Junkomaeda Day!

by JOIN JUNKOMAEDA August 29, 2021

February 26th

The day when you go around and tell people to stan BTS.

Bts outsold.

Bts paved the way.

Bts gay.

Hey Susan! It’s February 26th, that means you should stan BTS for clear skin!

by Hyrlanmious October 15, 2019

february 26th


"tomorrow is february 26th"
"OMG BLACK LEVEL DEBUT ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

by NO1BLACKLEVELFAN September 26, 2023