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alexa sprague

sexy ass mf

alexa sprague is a sexy mf

by Enjoyhoes!2792733 June 2, 2021

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Caleb and Alexa

A majestic couple that loves each other very much. Caleb usually doesn't care about Alexas scrunchies because he gives them to Mr. Newburry. Caleb loves Alexa with his whole heart, and he wants to get married to her, and have 28882 children with her. Even though if they have that many kids they will have no more money. So they will end up being poor and living happily ever after in their little cottage.

Caleb and Alexa are gonna have a lot of kids!!

by I dont like names May 21, 2019

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Frazer and Alexa

A Romantic Couple that are soulmates from childhood and desting to be married, they will have two children called anelie and charlton.

That couple is Frazer and Alexa.

by YappyDude101 April 6, 2021

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Leo and Alexa

A well known couple! They honestly look so cute together! Everyone knows them, everyone loves them! Steal Leo from Alexa, and you're dead! Leo gets defensive when someone talks bad about Alexa. If anyone says Alexa name, Leo blushes from all the love.

Me: Aww Leo and Alexa look so cute together!
Friend: They do!
Me: We all need a relationship like Leo and Alexa's

by JJ_TRAA March 10, 2021

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Alexa Lights On’d

When someone comes over to another person’s house to have sex and then is just being a tease - the person who is being teased says Alexa lights on and tosses them into an Uber. 86’d kibosh

I had to « Alexa lights on » that one goodbye last night.

Did I just get Alexa Lights On’d?

by Mmmstorm June 28, 2018

national alexa day

national alexa day is a day to celebrate all people named alexa. this day is celebrated on november 14th.

on this special day, we thank all alexa’s for being so brave after hearing “alexa play despacito” about a million times.

me: it’s national alexa day!!
friend: haha nah it’s “alexa play despacito” day

by Alexa fart October 27, 2019

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justin smelling alexa

Some horny teenage boy who has a ear fetish. He has a nostril cycle that happens over the course of the year similar to the menstrual cycle. He has an obsession with smelling a girl by the name of Alexa in her left ear. Many realistic jokes are made about Justin smelling Alexa, which he is in denial about.

Person 1: Hey Dude did you see Justin smelling Alexa?
Person 2: Yeah! He put his nose all the way in!

by flash gorden May 28, 2017