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Alli Is a wonderful and gourgeous girl who has the biggest heart. Alli thinks for other people before herself and will do anything for anybody. An Alli's true love will be an Andrew.

Alli gives amazing blowjobs.

by Andrew Mitten April 11, 2019

2👍 1👎


Alli is a very kind and willing person.
They can be stubborn and get scared when there overwhelmed. They are smart and love to listen to music. They have lots of friends always looking out for them and always likes to be number one. They are super cute and very funny. They have one person they will be true to and if you that person they love more then anything you are one lucky person

Person 1: ” Alli’s your friend?“

Person 2 “Your so lucky

by It’s trueee October 20, 2019

1👍 1👎


A girl who you will be extremely good friends with, and then she’ll do you dirty and try to steal your boyfriend.

Person A: “Who’s that bitch
Person B “Oh, that’s Alli”

by Imthatbitch101 January 26, 2020

2👍 1👎


pussy ass bitch with no lips or butt also can’t sing


by slobber2223456 December 1, 2017

4👍 7👎


Ally is fake-a$$ girl who acts like she’s the princess of the story but in reality, she’s the witch. Not only herself is a witch but her mother is a demon. Her mother manipulated people, even Ally’s father himself. After her father became poor, Ally’s mother divorced him and marry a new husband. Ally and her mother acts like a poor and sad family...but they actually goes around and talk bad about people in a smart way. In summary, they are a waste of Human Resources. :)

OMG, that girl’s an Ally.

by hicruelworld July 24, 2020

2👍 5👎


The plural form of behemoth, typically fucks things up, and also calls chances ugly snake serphant snake, and likes chances too

I saw a flock of ally

by Drachen luch February 6, 2018

2👍 5👎


Ally is the type of person who loves attention, and being put on the spotlight for everyone to see. She can be a brat but sometimes can fix herself (rarely). She loves to make horrible jokes that don’t make sense and are very rude to others. Ally is the person that stabs your back and ditches you halfway.

Woah is that Ally? Yes of course,she is just begging for attention

by U N K N O W N... November 21, 2018

2👍 5👎