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yacking the alphabet off

To talk incessantly! Blow one’s phone up.

Look at that poor guy over at the bar, that girl is yacking the alphabet off. Yeh he can’t get a word in.

I am so sorry I was yacking the alphabet off yesterday. I will refrain from blowing your phone up

by Yetilove August 24, 2021

alphabetical documentaries

Assorted historical-entertainment productions, arranged in A-Z order:
BLOCumentary: Details of assorted common-goal groups
BLOCKumentary: All about cube-shaped objects
BOCKumentary: History of dark-beer brewing
COCKumentary: History of how lucky you got wif da fairer gender
CLOCKumentary: Details how da set for Doc Brown's laboratory was created
CROCKumentary: An expose of BS, or presents a timeline of how stoneware has evolved over da millennia

DOCKumentary: Tells about boat-piers from over da years
FLOCKumentary: All about warmth-linings, or "birds of a feather" social-behavior
FROCKumentary: Details fancy-schmancy dress-up duds for kiddos
GLOCKumentary: Discusses how Madea deals with "getters" who "done got" her
HOCKumentary: Expounds on topics regarding pawn-shops or leg-joints
JOCKumentary: History of athletes
KNOCKumentary: All about door-tapping and da related highly-popular pun-type jokes
LOCHumentary: Tells about inland waterways and ocean inlets
LOCKumentary: Details of hair-styles or mechanical exclusionary devices
MOCKumentary: A spoof on a genuine educational film

Additional examples of alphabetical documentaries might include:
NOCKumentary: All about archery
POCKumentary: How small dents are created
ROCKumentary: Educates viewers about minerals, thumpy-thump music, or tipsy chairs
SOCKumentary: All you need to know about cloth foot-coverings

SHOCKumentary: A really startling/dramatic educational film
SMOCKumentary: Da history of outer garments worn for protective/decorative purposes
SPOCKumentary: A biography of everyone's favorite logical-minded spaceman
STOCKumentary: All about farm-animals, long-gun butts, or Wall Street trading
TOCKumentary: Companion-episode to a TICKumentary
WALKumentary: All about gettin' up off'n yer lazy fat a** and "hoofin' it" sometimes, instead of always riding in a vehicle
WOKumentary: Da assorted details and attributes of Chinese cookin'

by QuacksO April 10, 2021

alphabetical opportunities

bopportunity: A chance to clonk someone's noggin.
copportunity: An occasion when you can dial 9-1-1.
fopportunity: An area or event where you can dress up excessively or outlandishly.
GOPportunity: A time when you can openly flaunt your Republican viewpoints.
hopportunity: A safe/acceptable location to do jumping-jacks and leapfrogging.
lopportunity: When you notice that your ornamentals are getting too bushy and/or scraggly.
mopportunity: A chance to try out your new Swiffer.
popportunity: When you come across a discarded sheet of bubble-wrap.
sopportunity: An occasion where you can either easily/inexpensively appease someone, or absorb a liquid with a sponge.
topportunity: A chance to "do somebody one better" in a contest or impromptu session of friendly verbal sparring.
wopportunity: A time when you can make derogatory remarks about Italians.

Alphabetical opportunities may be fun to think about, but most of them seem largely pointless to perform in real life.

by QuacksO July 13, 2020

The Alphabet Challenge

A challenge where you sleep with someone whos name starts with each letter of the alphabet.

(Alex, Ben, Charlie, David, etc)

Do you know any Xavier’s? I’m doing The Alphabet Challenge.

by Iamfuckingurmomrn February 29, 2024

alphabet squad

another name for the lgbtq+ community

guy 1: woah man pride month is very gay
guy 2: be careful saying stuff like that, the alphabet squad might come for you
tbh: yipee

by smippysnippy June 28, 2022

alphabetical ambrosia

Assorted "plucked from da ol' 26" examples of extra-special-or-impressive products/performance:
bambrosia: a super-satisfying bouncy-bouncy
blambrosia: what movie-gunshots sounded like to Mike Teavee
cambrosia: more-beautiful/satisfying-than-normal web-lens action
clambrosia: either da savory chowder or da magnificent pearls dat you can get from said sea-dwelling bivalves
crambrosia: what da above-mentioned delicacy is when you copiously scoop it into your mouth
dambrosia: lovely scenes from a hydro-power location
drambrosia: da merely-tiny potions of a rich/costly goodie dat yer mommy/daddy will allow you at a time
Frambrosia: what a pricier brand of oil-filter claims to be
grambrosia: how youngsters view their delightful "big Ma", both for her warmly-cuddly welcoming of dem to her house, and da tasty aromatic treats dat she always bakes for dem
hambrosia: out-of-this-world deli-selections
jambrosia: what your gramma would dish out when all of da youngsters gathered around for sliced-bread snacks
krambrosia: Definition#3 on steroids --- how da stretched-out-cheeked guy in da "Snickers Almond" commercial viewed said tasty nuts

Additional examples of "alphabetical ambrosia" include:
lambrosia: what Mary Sawyer's famous "fuzzy four-footed friend in da classroom" song/story has been for little kids ever since it was penned
ma'ambrosia: super-polite speaking-behavior
'Nambrosia: infinitely-awesome exports from southeast Asia
Pambrosia: da decidedly-better nonstick spray
prambrosia: what passersby view an "adorably-precious" newborn as in Merry Old England
rambrosia: da best butter in America (yes, even better than "billy-wives'" milk --- sorry, goats!)
sambrosia: what Edna Walker Chandler's classic cowboy-tales are viewed as by children who love dat kind of book
scambrosia: da supposedly-fabulous "pie in da sky" promises dat shysters make
slambrosia: what Prince Hullabaloo considered da sound of everyone noisily going in and out of their houses and shops in da Kingdom of Hubbub
spambrosia: what a few nerds actually consider dat disgusting super-salty pink goo in da infamous rectangular can
swambrosia: what a dip in da lake feels like on a hot day
tambrosia: better-quality knitted headwear from Scotland
trambrosia: what a cable-car ride can be if you aren't afraid of heights
whambrosia: "step-up" level of Definition #1
yambrosia: what sweet potatoes are to folks who love 'em

by QuacksO February 28, 2025

alphabet cock

penis shaped like the alphabet.

"woah hes got an alphabet cock

by sadlkghgiuas; November 30, 2021