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Speirs The Amazing HD

The best youtuber ever made. He will make you laugh even if your not a fan. Car Lover, and nicest person ever, and not self centered

Yo Speirs The Amazing HD play DOJ more.

by JohnSelig1 November 13, 2017

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The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire

the bible.

Me: I just bought a bible!!1!
Friend: Lemme see!!
Me: *holds up book*
Friend: what even is this??!1!
Me: the Bible. Aka The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire

by Howelljaylester July 12, 2017

Amazing Dick Skills

A dude with extreme penile talents used in satisfying their partner.

Roger has amazing dick skills. He can go all night.

by Eaton Holgoode March 29, 2017

The Amazing World of Gumball

One of the saviors of Cartoon Network along with adventure time and regular show and like those shows has unfortunately ended but unlike those shows it at least gets re ran frequently

I love the amazing world of Gumball!

by Savejimmyneutronandvictorious April 11, 2022

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The Amazing Digital Circus

The Amazing Digital Circus is a show created by Gooseworx and Glitch Productions, it aired it's pilot on 13th of October.

The cast member's are Caine, Bubble, Kinger, Gangle, Zooble, Jax, Ragatha, kaufmo, and Pomni.

The story of The Amazing Digital Circus start's with Pomni the main character of the show who appeared at the circus when the ringleader(Caine) was introducing the cast when suddenly Pomni ruin's it, Pomni very cautious where she is since, it seems like she forgot who she is and can't even remember her name so she was given a new one.

Now all we now about the show is we would be focusing on Pomni maybe trying to exit the circus since she look's like she's about to go insane, and we would get to know more about the circus itself with the cast.

Have you watched The Amazing Digital Circus!!

by YourLocalJester October 20, 2023

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Maybe I'm Amazed

An absolutely incredible song by Paul McCartney & Wings. People say this is McCartney's greatest solo song.

Dude, i was just listening to maybe i'm amazed and it was awesome!

by ClassicRock7 March 20, 2009

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epicly amazing

when something is more then epic but also more then amazing, more amazing and more epic

dude, i had sex last night and it was epicly amazing!

by Mrs.G. October 22, 2009

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