No the fuck you wouldn't. You would NOT listen to that motherfucker AT ALL. You want to know how I know?
Hym "Because Arnold Schwarzenegger probably already has a book. He probably has a documentary AND some motivational talks. And you aren't doing it. Listening to Arnold Schwarzenegger is already and option and you are already not listening to him. Therefore, you would not do that shit you just said you would do, bitch. That was a lie! A blatant one. I didn't even look. Hold on... Lemme go look quick because I know this dude already got a book or something.............. Hmmm...... YUP! The nigga already got TWO books! 'Be Useful: The seven tools for life' and 'The new encyclopedia of modren bodybuilding' You didn't listen to not a one of them. So nope. No you would not."
a fat ball of blubber and droopiness who will eat you if hes hungry. he also gets no hoes cause he eats them
run! its melo arnold and hes hungry
He's a nigger
Thor Arnold is actually white, but he's a nigger.
generally a good buy who tends to have hugh lengths in both muscular and penis size.
Callum Arnolds, known as cal from the first name hates being yelled 'oi' or 'yo' or even saying 'man' to him. Usually isn't able to draw at all and draws like a 5 year old. Gorgeous and confident however has two sides to him that change within a second and lets himself down by paying attention to other girls. He'll soon realise that the only girl he'll ever need to get wet is to the girl who lost her virginity to him.. His girlfriend! Usually has a big nose and wide eyes and will only ever need the girl he's with now. Gorgeous, but a sarcastic cunt!
Callum Arnold is perfect
a sexual move in which you and your partner lay supine in a dense forest. after gathering an assortment of twigs, leaves, and insects, begin spreading your partner's hole, whether it be in the butt or the puss. shove your cocktail of forest debris in there and stir it up nice and good
trick nigga 1: yo did you hit that blonde up last night?
trick nigga 2 (OG tho): yea i gave that ho a scott arnold
trick nigga 1: niiiiiiceeee
Rhyming slang for jobby, similiar to Barry White
Erm, where's the toilet? I'm dying for an Arnold Bobby