A term that when used gives people enormous power and strength for a short period of time.
When Larry was losing a fight a stranger yelled from a far always take the biscuit fam, Larry suddenly became a fucking Ninja Master and kicked the shit out of his opponents.
People don't like to hear things they don't like, so community leaders would send people the community doesn't like to deliver bad news, in hopes that they would not return. This way the community never had to directly kill people for petty reasons, as they were only guilty of bring up crap nobody wants to hear.
The caravan was attacked and you let him go, everyone knows that you always shoot the messenger of bad news!
OpposingFork's Influence On The Nazist Always Edger Party. It all starts when fork got accepted into the communist soviet party against always edgers, it all starts in 1939 when the Edging Bucas Socialist Workers Of Bucas came to power, OpposingFork was the now dictator of the URSS, he was friends with the socialist workes of bucas, But when they revealed that they are actually controlled by DAKO!!!! WAHT, he was revolted, Dako is an always gooner that tries to hide himself as an always edger, so by chance Opposingfork allied with the allies, that being The United States Of Never Edging. Once they invaded Bermany they split it with the west (democrat never edger) and the east (communist
OpposingFork's Influence On The Nazist Always Edger Party will always be remembered in history as a monumental and historical influence on the world, if Nazist Bermany won, it would have been catastrophic!
It all starts when fork got accepted into the communist soviet party against always edgers, it all starts in 1939 when the Edging Bucas Socialist Workers Of Bucas came to power, OpposingFork was the now dictator of the URSS, he was friends with the socialist workes of bucas, But when they revealed that they are actually controlled by DAKO!!!! WAHT, he was revolted, Dako is an always gooner that tries to hide himself as an always edger, so by chance Opposingfork allied with the allies, that being The United States Of Never Edging. Once they invaded Bermany they split it with the west (democrat never edger) and the east (communist
OpposingFork's Influence On The Nazist Always Edger Party will always be remembered in history as a monumental and historical influence on the world, if Nazist Bermany won, it would have been catastrophic!
Hey! I wrote a monologue kind of loke that years ago! Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland are my biggest fans! That shit was cold as ice!
Hym "Yeah! Best monologuer! 'Happiness always ends' from Rick and Morty s7. Dan! DAAAAN! Make Jordan come here and see Hidden Forbidden Garbage-Can... The trash bin is full again but it's still cool. The weathers going to start heating up so... It's gonna stink soon... Look, I'm violating the cleanliness clause of my lease agreement, ok? Tell him he can bring his paid security he's so proud of... They don't get to see Hidden Forbidden Garbage-Can though... IT'S NOT FOR YOU!"
Always Chaotic is a small YouTube channel formally known as "Nutella Rules UwU" or "Choco_Chipルール." The channel creates Gacha content. Usually circling around Undertale, FNaF, or random OC videos.
Is extremely cringey
"Omg, it's that cringey YouTube channel Always Chaotic!!"