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beaner baby

another word for a mexican

Hey if my sister cant by me beer lets get a beaner baby.

by robermeister February 28, 2007

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beaner weiner

An effect felt after consuming mdma tablets (ecstasy). One becomes sexually aroused but cannot achieve an erection.

Swim: Last night I had these two ho's butt ass naked in my bed!
Swim's Friend: So you had an epic threesome right?
Swim: Nope... got beaner weiner. I was rolling too hard. It ended there :(

by rollingballs July 2, 2013

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

beaner asshole

joseph paul barrera. he is a total beaner asshole because he's mexican & he treats the most amazing girl in the world like a bag of shittt. she really loved him, but noooooo he had to be a lil BITCH. FUCK YOU JOE! I HATE YOU. -he's also my ex boyfriend. i hate him & his ugly ass girlfriend. she's so fucking ugly.

joe is a beaner asshole, fuck him.

by sierraaa baby<3 May 6, 2008

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Beaner town

Where gay niggas are born

Example Marvin Gil

Marvin Gil was born in beaner town.

by Sam is the best January 16, 2019

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Beaner Bomb

When a tiny mexican walks into your room shouting "Dabu Jabba nana Wookie Chewie" then jumps on the closest girl and starts grinding his chorizo into her face screaming "I am fucking gay! Who gives a shit?" He then proceeds to scale your bed like a spider monkey and tries to finger your asshole and say " you are gross. I am not attracted to you." Although he secretly is.

Chuck is the only one who has mastered the beaner bomb.

by Charles Serrano December 11, 2004

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Beaner Face

A normal Mexican American male that speaks only english, but has a very strong beaner face. The face of an aztec warrior. The face of a person you don't like right from the start.

DILL: Hey man, the new guy Hector is fucking hilarious bro!!

TRENT: Yeah, I wasn't really paying attention, his silly beaner face made me want to hide my wallet!

by AeSGreat April 17, 2011

14๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Beaner

An offensive pejorative term for a low class Cuban or someone who is acting like one. Refers to the fact that Cubans like to eat black beans. Such Cubans may stink of ass gas. When they do, you can hear them coming before you see them since they tend to fart a great deal. They show little if any class and are often rude and obnoxious. They are very loud and like to draw attention to themselves. They frequently have very poor hygiene. They many not use deodorant and may wear ratty clothing.

Often they are really narrow-minded and highly opinionated. You can't reason with them. Some might argue justifiably that they have little intellect or are just plain dumb. They frequently are condescending towards other Latin Americans, non-whites and non-Americans neglecting the fact that they are immigrants themselves with diverse racial backgrounds. In fact, the white Cubans see themselves as better than the non-white Cubans in general. Their arrogance typically leads them to believe incorrectly that somehow they are better than anyone else.

They hate it when non-Cubans know something that they don't know because it makes them look and feel less educated and superior. Because many of them are too lazy to get a degree, they knock down people who have one thinking that they can easily step into someone's job and do it because they are Cuban.

They also hate it when someone can speak Spanish better than they can especially if they are not Cuban but from some other Spanish-speaking country. It defies their airs of superiority.

Those Black Beaners woke us up, farting in chorus the Cuban national Anthemn outside our window one morning in Miami.

Juan who is not Cuban, but has a job as an analyst which required a degree. Antonio, who is Cuban, doesn't have a degree. However, Antonio believes that if it weren't for the degree requirement, he could easily do Juan's job with some training. Antonio has the bad attitude of a Black Beaner.

Antonio later lied his way into a job claiming skills and knowledge he didn't have, using a phony degree certificate he bought. He got interview tips from Juan in what to say which landed him the job. However, soon Antonio's arrogance and ego gave way to reality as he couldn't deliver on the job. He was fired soon thereafter. What a typical Black Beaner.

A los Cuba-Lingas le gusta masturbar sus pingas, which is the same as saying that Black Beaners like to play with their weaners.

by La Da Dee November 23, 2005

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