When opening too many twist off beer bottle caps, you develop callouses on the fingers involved.
Did you see the beer callouses on that guy, he must be a bartender.
The phenomenon in which one's consumption of alcohol makes physically impossible feats seem attainable. Often associated with the phrases "Hey, watch this!" and "Dude, check this out."
Man 1: "Hey, what's Brian doing on the roof?"
Man 2: "He's going to try doing a back flip into the pool..."
Man 1 & 2: "Beer wings."
To leave a small amount of beer (quarter sip at most) at the bottom of a bottle.
The bottom quarter sip of beer is mostly backspit and watered down, flat beer.....the least enjoyable sip of your beer. Zep the Beer and get a new one!
Why doesn't he just finish his beer, instead of Zepping the Beer?
A drinking game in which there is a circle of any number of people (preferably over 3 and under 10). Provide one can of beer for each player and have someone that is not playing take the cans into another room. Have that person shake one can and then put the cans into and ice chest and return back to the original room. Each player takes one can and take turns opening their can, hoping not to have the shaken can. Repeat around the circle until someone is sprayed with beer. That player is out and the rest of the players drink their can. Repeat rounds until there is one player left. That player is the winner.
Matt: Who wants to get fucked up??
Dom: Me, me, me.
Matt: Let's play beer roulette!
Dom: Fuck yeah, i won't remember this night at all.
What you yell before stealing a sip of someone's beer. Yelling this makes it ok.
I was thirsty so I just grabbed the beer out of her hand and pounded it. It's all good tho I called beer tax.
A sly prank for when your friends are passed out; consists of pouring portions of beer into an unsuspecting, (often unconscious) victim's ear.
Coined at the 2010 Cavendish Beach Festival.
Cavendish, Newfoundland, Canada.
blake: *passed out*
dylan: beer to the ear?
ian: hells yeah.
1. (noun) An old backpack you have that used to be your backpack for school 4 years ago, but since you got a new one, it is used only for transporting beer or other alcoholic beverages. Used by many people who walk places to go drink and can't afford the money for a cab and don't have a friend willing to drive them.
1. Dude this was my school backpack during 7th grade but now since I got a new one, this is my designated beer pack.