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being black

acting according to black society and expectation; listening to what is considered black music (reggae and rap), associating mainly with blacks, acting black, being black

Why is he being black for?

by Real me... March 4, 2009

27πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

Being obese

The act of one being rude in a manner or doing something stupid and obnoxious or "fat". This term can describe someone who is actually skinny or well managed. The person being accused of "Being obese" usually tends to do stupid stuff a lot and has a history of being obese.

person 1: Did you break my headset?
person 2: Yeah, why?
person 1: Stop being obese man you break everything.

by Moocowish July 4, 2011

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Being speshed

Being speshed by somebody is like a girl in your class at school treating you like you are stupid to trick you into thinking they want to be your friend or something

Ah no i was just being speshed !

by Sharma11 November 16, 2019

being a woody

someone who is being: annoying (Usually trying to show you a video), horny, or abusing mayo on their food.

ew! that guy at the party last night was being a woody

by fuckchapman December 30, 2021

Being Japanese

When someone is being Japanese means they are fun person to be around whether in office, class or party who act like everything's going well and they're enjoying life to the fullest however in reality they're suffering from anxiety, depression or without a dream.

Friend 1: Hey, did you hear about, Sally?

Friend 2: Yean, really sad how it turned out. Who would have thought she was just being Japanese.

by Adven Quest August 27, 2021

Being a Calvin

To be a leech and always expect others to do the work for you

No I don’t have answers for you. Stops being a Calvin

by Dream_Team September 4, 2020

being Lin

Showing abilities that were you were not expected to have.

Based off the previously unexpected and unknown ability of NBA player Jeremy Lin.

Can also be used in the phrase "be Lin".

Person A does the unexpected.

Person B to Person A: "You're being Lin!"

by Jon Ace February 16, 2012