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Humming a biscuit

Slang for smoking gods greatest gift to this planet...the ganja. Must say with an accent to get across the point that you are high in the sky with the flies.

-"Yo man what are you doin?"
-"Oh you know we just got done humming a biscuit, the moon is quite nice up here."

by TupacsProstituteTeeHee September 29, 2010

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piss biscuits

to be used when

1.an unfortunate incident occurs.

2.after injuring oneself

3.before having a rant at a total assmunch

1.jeff: i crashed my car last night *grrs*
joe: piss biscuits dude! that sucks.

2.(after hammring a nail through your thumb)jeff:piss biscuits that fucking hurts (crying face)

3. miles: ur mum
jeff: *sighs* piss biscuits miles you are a total dickfaced moron. 'ur mum' got old about 10 years ago so SHUT UR FUCKING FACE. you. suck. ass. bigtime

by jejoss May 3, 2008

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Oh biscuits

1. The perfect word to say in replacement of a sware word.
2. A peice of dough cooked to perfection.

"Oh biscuits i just got shot in the face with a gun."
"Mhh, gotta love these biscuits my mom made huh?"

by Gabe. =D April 8, 2010

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No risk it, no biscuit

If you don't take the chance, you can't get the reward (prize).

It's a long shot, but if I don't go for it I'll never be a millionaire. No risk it, no biscuit! "B" is my final answer!

by talk2me-JCH2 February 8, 2021

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Twat Biscuit

The mass of fat on very large woman or young girl, located between the stomach and twat. Women sporting twat biscuits usually wear very tight shirts, often so short that the tummy is exposed and flops about over the top of their twat biscuit and jeans.

"Wow, that woman has a spare tire AND a twat biscuit!"

by JKH82 February 2, 2010

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Biscuit Eater

Originally, a derogatory term for a dog too sorry to hunt anything but his own food. Can also be used for a person who is slow, lazy, or selfish.

An example, as from the movie it is based on (The Biscuit Eater), is a hunting dog that attacks the birds and eats them for himself instead of pointing or retrieving them.

That dog is nothing but a biscuit eater.

by Aninvader April 20, 2018

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jizz biscuit

The biscuit which a small group of usually younger males masturbate in a circle onto as a game. The loser in the game is the last one to ejaculate and must eat the biscuit.

James looked at the jizz biscuit and thought 'No way'.

by TonyM June 10, 2005

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