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going in blind

As if your approaching a situation without having any previous knowledge or not knowing what the outcome will be you're going in blind

Going on a blind date

Attending an interview unprepared
Going in blind

by Mechanical vitamins January 2, 2016

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anal blindness

Woman: 'Boss, i won't be in tomorrow, i'm afraid i've got anal blindness.'
Boss: 'Well, what's anal blindness'
Woman: 'I can't see my ass getting out of bed tomorrow.'

Anal blindness means you can't see your ass getting out of bed.

by RebekahT January 23, 2008

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Love is blind

When you don't care about what the person you love looks like, because looks don't matter. When you truly love someone, you're "blind" to their appearance.

-"Why are you in a relationship with that person? They're so ugly."

-"Because love is blind. It doesn't matter to me what they look like, I still love them."

by Rachael Young April 16, 2017

38๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blind Optism

When you hope in vain and you know it and thats the worst part. You know that what you are hoping for won't happen and yet you keep at it. It's like Cuddy waiting for Dr.House to change but deep inside she knows he won't.

Cuddy: House, I am scared that I'll die, everyone is telling me that you won't visit me but I know you will, I have faith in you.
*House doesn't visit Cuddy at the hospital*
People: Told you so
Cuddy: No, you're wrong, he'll come around someday
*House doesn't visit Cuddy at hospital yet she keeps on waiting*
People: I admire your optimism Cuddy, but you know its blind optism, don't you?

by Amandinha Bynes August 19, 2011

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bejeweled blindness

when you play bejeweled to the point where you can't see obvious moves anymore.

person a: "dude, move the blue jewel right there!"

person b: "where?"

person a: "right in front of you!"

person b: "man i can't even see any moves anymore, i got the bejeweled blindness!"

by izmthrower September 19, 2009

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blind date

An event where someone sets up 2 people who don't know each other on a date. In most cases, one of the people is horrendously ugly and the other will be sure to kill the "matchmaker" afterwards.

My shitty friend set me up on a blind date, and I vomited for hours afterwards.

by Eric Hartman July 13, 2003

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blind comment

A statement in a discussion or post to a forum thread where the speaker is either oblivious to the conversation or is blatantly misunderstanding the facts. Can be used with an appropriate expletive in the middle of the term.

Ted: "Hey, Ned! Have you seen my car keys?"

Ned: "My fingers smell funny..."

Ted: "WTF kind of blind comment was that? Blind ass comments like that just prove you are such an effing tard!"

by Qu137Ch405 April 15, 2008

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