Source Code

grass boarding

"grass boarding" to take a snowboard and/or a sled and tie it to the back of a quad or dirtbike and be pulled on grass.

person1-damnit whens it going to snow
person2-well how about we just go grass boarding

by theblauth December 12, 2006

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Honor Board

(v) very similar to water boarding. But in the end you confess that you cheated to the Stevens Honor Board instead of mentioning your crimes as a terrorist.

Yo, Matt was Honor Boarded and was kicked out of school.

by TheSexBo-ombs September 30, 2018

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It is, apparently, some lost person's definition of the Shadow Caper's guitar.
The Shadow Caper and I were walking down the street after we had given a show to our hometown. And honest to whatever you believe in, this girl came up to us and said she liked our string-board. Read the example because that's honestly what happened. It was kind of stupid, but funny at the same time

Girl: "Hey! I dug the show you guys put on the other night. It rocked! I thought that you(*shadow caper*) rocked on the...string-board thing"
She could not get the word off her tounge. I'm pretty sure she meant"guitar"

Shadow Caper:"Guitar?"
Girl:"The what?"
Shadow Caper: You know, it has six strings and a lot of them have a hole in them"
Girl: "oh yeah"

by Cameron Grzadzieleski December 9, 2004

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In basketall, When you slap the backboard, after you take a lay up.

How you cant clap boards???
Shit is lite

by J. eAsY February 10, 2008

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Squirrel board

A Squirrel Board is a masterbation device used by trappers and mountain men when they were without a woman to keep them satisfied.

A board with a hole is covered with a squirrel hide and the penis is thrust through the hole repeatly until climax.

Trapper Eugen killer trapper Piotr when he discovered him using his squirrel board!

by Social Observer 2.0 April 3, 2016

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Chore Board

A definitive list of the "Who's Who" in hook-ups. Created by stupid skanks at a Colorado hippie commune.

After receiving multiple donkey punches, the girls developed the Chore Board. They now deserve multiple Sloppy Biffles.

by passion partier April 24, 2009

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board meeting

a group of friends or coworkers consuming alcohol together, usually during a happy hour. significant others, bosses and mooching not invited. may or may not be at a pre-determined time and/or place.

Accounting has a board meeting the second thursday every month at the Grind.

Ted text messaged his crew: "board meeting@5"

by nigrodha January 31, 2007

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