An internet user who harass other users over their spelling and grammar errors on words and phases in online communities
User A: Hey, get out of it, you shouldn't be aound
User B: Fix your spelling
User A: You don't want to talk about the problem you are causing? You are a spelling bee troll!
User B: What???
User A: Yes, User B the spelling bee troll!
When google corrects u for the millionth time
When you spell danganropa instead of danganronpa... oof
What people say when they want you to say I am a penis.
Person 1: yo, say eye, spell map, say ness.
Person 2: I am a penis.
An obviously incorrect attempt at typing a questionably difficult word to ensure spell check verification.
1: I read your correspondence. corsersrf
2: Doesn't that sentence need some punctuation pncntlbss
(:safety spell)
French is the language where it is spelled "lonelychickenpoo" and pronounced "alligator"
In fact:
Did you know that the words "african meatballs" In french is "À'fiquinze Maèbals"
And "hairy leg factory" is
"àrhy leone fatootwuy"
Me and my bestie talking about French Spelling?
-J'ai une chatte
-oui, et en retard
-non, chien!
-shf, I'justwrôte down'ràndòm'frènch wôrds
-Àrhy leone fqtootwuy!!!
And thats French!
a person on social media who doesn't understand or agree whit the topic and offers no argument but calls out a spelling mistake in a futile attempt to save face and or derail the dialogue.
no matter if the person does not originate from the same country.
your really really dumb you know! you cant even use spelling correction wright!
good argument spelling nazie now shut up and go propose to a dictionary.
grown men are talking.