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Change channels

A sudden, temporary change in personality, often creepy as hell, thought to be caused by demonic possession, as he/she who changes channels speaks with a deep, evil, echoing voice, and the eyes glow a deep, blood-red color while this is happening. A normally cheerful, skip though a field of flowers person suddenly says something like "I will feast on your flesh, and pick my teeth with your bones". Recently, scientists are dumping on the idea of demonic possession, and instead blaming it on severe and continuous exposure to insanity. Research has proven that this phenomena occurs at random, and with little to no provocation, and is a distant cousin to the shoop da whoop phenomenon.

Dude1: Yo, bra the waves are wicked today, you don't want to miss this.


Dude1: Dude, you okay?

Dude2: Whoa, what happened?

Dude1: you fucking change channels on me again, you need to get a priest to check that. Comon man, you gonna miss these sweet waves.

by The Mad Cracker July 6, 2009

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The Ed Channel

A YouTube channel about a guy who got bored one day and decided to make the most cringe worthy content.

Mal: Hey, You heard of The Ed Channel?
Joel: That kid?
Mal: Yeah
Joel: Oh boi

by The Ed Channel November 8, 2019

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Chick Channels

The channels you get with cable that you hope your wife will watch in the other room so that you can watch sports with the surround sound.

Wife; "I'll watch my chick channels in the bedroom if you fold the clothes"
Me; "No problem"

by bnj October 20, 2007

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The lost Channel

Only The Best of The best Raiders can be apart of this lost channel not only will you play god, but your penis's will become the mighty god

Penis Gods of the lost arch

by Chanserv August 26, 2003

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Dork Channel

The phenomenon that occurs when two individuals are chatting online, thus defining themselves as dorks in that normal people have REAL conversations, and they type the exact same thing at the exact same time.

John: So what are you wearing?
Kathy: So what are you wearing?
John: OMG! We are on the Dork Channel!

by Kathy and John August 26, 2009

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Weather Channel

Weather channeling is an easy, last-effort move used to get out of sleeping with someone when they're already in your bed:

Step 1: Once in bed, turn on The Weather Channel.
Step 2: Roll over and fall asleep without warning.
Step 3: If asked about this later, deny having used it as a technique by saying: a) "I barely remember it!" OR b) "I was just so tired!" Then quickly changing the subject.

Girl-"I can't believe you turned on the Weather Channel then fell asleep right when we got in bed!"
Josh-"Did I? Wow that's crazy, I barely remember it. Do you think I should shave my beard?"

by FoxTrap69 December 25, 2015

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Disney Channel

A channel that begins the acting careers of teens trying to make it in the business. Some might think it is "gay" but it is a good channel for upcoming stars.

It helps keep them grounded, and I believe that it is a good place to begin a career. The shows are unrealistic - but what's your point? If you want reality - stop wasting your time watching TV. Television is supposed to give a sense of escapism to the viewers, to somewhat take us into the life that is not real.

For example:
HANNAH MONTANA - Of course if you just put on a wig people will still know it's you, but this is for the purpose of entertainment people.

THAT'S SO RAVEN - She can't really see into the future, but who cares she's foolish and makes me giggle.

THE SUITE LIFE - Awesome show! That is so bias but I don't care. It is funny and has some very very nice eye-candy.

PHINEAS AND FERB - The stuff they do is not actually possible, but get over it!

Etc, etc

Person 1: Do you watch Disney Channel?
Person 2: Yeah sometimes
Person 1: Those shows are unrealistic
Person 2: Get over it. I like it and you don't have to.

by ShortyLovesSprouse January 15, 2009

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