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vagina daggers

Facial hair stabbing into a vagina. ie when a man has a stubbly beard when performing oral sex on a female.

When my husband went down on me after not shaving his face for a few days, it felt like vagina daggers.

by E tizzle February 9, 2014

ninja dagger

A katana like dagger used by ninjas

I throw my ninja dagger and hit you between the eyes.

by Ser Owen October 29, 2017

Dagger Falls

When you jump off an elevated surface (dick first) into her pussy.

Last night I had her screaming from dagger falls

by Thad Thunder Cock March 15, 2024

Dagger Dick

A long, thick, pointy penis/dick that is really good for hitting your g-spot

Gimme that dagger dick

by LocalVocabulary January 29, 2019

Dagger Dick

Big dick. Like BIIIIG dick. I'm talking like too big to deepthroat like this dick is prob 10 inches.

Jerome: My dagger dick finna rip open ur*blank*
*female: then why is ur ruler marked at 2.5 inches?

by XXXDESTRUCION May 11, 2019

Dagger Dick

Small juicy dick

I have a young dagger dick

by BЯOЩZ July 16, 2018

Rose and Dagger

The dagger symbolizes bravery and brawn, darkness and lostness.
The rose symbolizes love, joy, redemption and hope.

How the rose and dagger is depicted together influences it's meaning.

If the dagger is pierced into the rose, together it symbolizes betrayal, pain, and the loss of these rose symbolisms such as losing the love of your life.

If the rose is being wrapped around the dagger, it could have two meanings. One, a human who may seem like a nice person or a trust worthy person, but underneath is a menace to society. Or two, the classic opposites attract. Two people of two completely different natures coming together, like the rose and the dagger. One to redeem the other, who is unknown to himself. Like Wenwu and his wife (Marvel), or even the cliché good girl bad guy pairing.

It can also be used as a phrase to describe such a person, or couple, or situation.

"Now that's a rose and dagger relationship," Charles sighed. "Let's see how this ends."
"I should have known he was a rose and dagger," Ryder groaned. "I'm so oblivious, it's painful."

by swappable August 10, 2022