A channel with little to no effort on it and most of them are fortnite emotes eg. Swipeitdaily, Infinitedabdaily ect
I have a daily channel called dabdaily
A horrible place you will regret being in for too long, only good the 1st day, except pre-2022. You'll probably find people saying "nyaa~ :3c" in it. Just comment GG on the daily level. Please.
I use the geometry dash daily chat!
Why do people think I am a femboy?
a chatroom in the geometry dash daily level's comment section, mostly made up of annoying 8 year olds using the cat icon and that never shut up. one day I'm gonna grind them all into a paste and spread the paste on my toast i can't fucking stand them
"yo man the daily chat sucks now"
"btw sussy obama balls fard"
"get the fuck out of my house"
"no u"
Housemate 1: We're out of vegetables, cheese, milk and pasta! We need to do some Daily Essentials Shopping if we wish to eat tomorrow!
Housemate 2: No problem. Let's just Milkbasket everything.
Housemate 1: 'The maid didn't cook because we're out of everything! We need to do some Daily Essentials Shopping!'
Housemate 2: No worries. Let's just Milkbasket it! It'll be here by 7 AM!
A sex method in which a glory hole located on the ceiling is used by someone with adhesive hands
Spider-Man likes to do the daily bugle, with Mary Jane on the floor above