Used when texting as a replacement for what you really want to say, as in, you've typed and deleted several responses already but can't quite get the wording right . Let's the recipient know that you are mulling over the response and not ignoring the question.
Wayne: Will you still love me when I'm in my carbohydrate, sequined-jumpsuit, young-girls-in-white-cotton-panties, waking-up-in-a-pool-of-your-own-vomit, bloated-purple-dead-on-a-toilet phase?
Cassandra: Type delete
On December 25th, Robin will delete Streamlined
"I'm gonna delete Streamlined"
"Oh, because it's Delete Streamlined day!"
To mark a record in a database for deletion or to temporarily prevent it from being selected. In order to actually delete the record, a "hard" delete or "permanent" delete function must be performed.
soft delete: Removing less important players in a team before a utilize them at a later point.
EX: He has been soft deleted from the team
Ctrl+Alt+Delete is a keyboard shortcut for most computers.
Ctrl+Alt+Delete can also be used in a joking matter for someone who forgot a memory.
They Ctrl+Alt+Deleted there memory from the past month!
Yetus Deletus I'm gonna give myself 100 thousand Beetus
Im gonna Die and then Im gonna be Deleting Myself
Skeet Skeet - Delete
1. Verb
2. Idiom
The Act Of Skeet Skeet Skeeting On A Female Specimen And Then Deleting The Memory Of Having Done It & For Us Female Specimens, The Act Of Gettin' A Guy To Skeet & Then Delete ! Yadaamean ;) . People May Liken This To The Term Tap & Gap
Damnss , He/She's Finee . Mmm , Skeet Skeet - Delete !
Auto delete is best known for swatting and helping others a doxxing streamers like kai cenat and duke denis and the tag also means to delete thing automatically like accounts and etc
i need to auto delete my messages