A pandemic inspired cocktail, consisting of:
3/4 Cup of Clorox Bleach
1.5 oz Pine-sol
2-3 Teaspoons Palmolive
2-3 Teaspoons Lysol Clean and Fresh Lemon scented multi-surface cleaner
Pipe cleaners for garnish
1 yellow sponge for garnish
A be all, end all cure, when a miracle hasn’t stopped the planet‘s incessant purge of the virus that is humanity.
Hey bro, how have you been fighting off the ‘rona?
Dude, I’ve been throwing back some Hot Donnies. I feel like shit, but my insides are as clean as a kitchen counter.
The scariest nigga alive. The homie who drink alllllll da Red Bull and kills all da dumb little bitches.
Oh shit he just fucked up. DONNY GRAY finna go rip his head off and shit down his throat
a donny yute is a younger person acting in a foolish,silly and or annoying way
To describe someone who is really chill/laid-back and will treat you wiv great respect
Man I really miss my old manager. All those times he took me to Jesus, gave me free food; he was top donny!
A man toddler who hasn't quite mastered the potty training yet.
Eww, can you small that guy?
Who, Donnie Dump Diapers? He always smells like a Manhattan drain.
The man, the cock, the legend. A roofer that has a fat ass motherfuckin cock.
Everyone hide or get ready to open your throat, Donnie Fat Cock is on the roof!