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A drake-brockman is an absurd belief that goes against all rational evidence, because it reinforces one's bigoted view of a race or particular group of people. Usually, a drake-brockman is the result of deliberately misrepresenting a source to make them fit your world view.

Cherry the elderly papergirl believed the drake-brockman that asylum seekers are given ยฃ300 a week and a pat on the head by the Government, after someone told her this in a post office queue one day.

the de sica believed the drake-brockman that 'many asylum seekers are guilty of serious crimes in their own country' despite the fact that when she was repeatedly asked for evidence she failed to provide any.

by Ben Dover of the Yard April 26, 2004

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Nathan Drake

Typically someone very snarky and is a cocky little shit.

I love in how he is literally dying, he is still Nathan Drake.

by TheWhoInVille December 19, 2019

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You draked it

When someone says something, trying to be funny, clever, or cool and completely fails.

Person 1:Dude, Spongebob is so yellow he makes bananas jealous.
Person 2:You Draked it.

by A Wary Trout April 24, 2011

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Drake Bell

Drake Bell. He was only awesome in Drake and Josh. But other than that, he's a complete fucking ass. And now, he's a registered sex offender due to him endangering and grooming a 15 year old girl. What a complete fucking dumbass. His music sucks. His personality makes you wanna punch him in the mouth so many times until he looks like a tweaker. Josh Peck from Drake and Josh wants nothing to do with him and I don't blame him at all. If you still like Drake Bell, then you're just plain old stupid. Just saying.

Drake Bell fan: "OMG! Drake is so hot, his music is so fantastic!"

Me: "Well, how about you go to church and ask God for your forgiveness because you're literally a fan of a fucking sex offender!"

Drake Bell fan: "You're just jealous because he's more nicer and more better looking than you are!"

Me: "Nah, I'm not jealous. He just sucks ass. Maybe if you have a fucking brain then you would for real understand!!"

by Shb99 February 3, 2022

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Drake Fan

certified sex offender who can't accept Kanye, Kendrick> Drake

Oh there goes that Drake fan, a certified sex offender.

by D.G Shield September 3, 2021

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drake short

Smart loving

Drake short

by QueenMmeh June 18, 2018

so drake

extremely gay

1) Guy Friend 1 - " I love drinking fruity alcoholic drinks" Guy Friend 2 - "that's so Drake"

2) Guy Friend 1 - *crying* "My GF just broke up with me" Guy Friend 2 - "stop being so drake"

by Insert Name Here 88 December 18, 2014