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Dungeon master

A person with a power complex

Random character: "You see that dungeon master over there?"
Other dude: "oh shit we better run before he rocks fall is!!!"

by Twins_bob May 9, 2021

Dungeon master

A person who has a dungeon of sex slaves.

Person 1: Denis is a dungeon master
Person 2: Yeah, but his dungeon is full of chilldren

by BigDickMcCheese May 19, 2017

Dunphrey's Dungeon

A Dungeon owned by Dunphrey filled with goofy creatures.

Yep, you're going to Dunphrey's Dungeon little bro 🤣.

by ToxsusOwO December 11, 2023

Dungeonous Burp

A burp and/or belch that comes from the deepest dungeon of your stomach; typically smells of garbage, but can be extremely satisfying and may result in a subsequent fart.

John: (belch)

Paige: Omg John, gross! Was that a dungeonous burp?

John: yes, and it was very satisfying (fart)..

by HolliJohn December 18, 2021

duty dungeon

Butthole action

Sara: hey poopoo. Poopoo: what up sara. Sara: yooooo you look good tonight.... Down for some duty dungeon action... Poopoo: fucking right but this time it's my turn.

by Tuck ten dweeb he March 11, 2016

Shit Dungeon

where and the boys go to release our built up shit, also an excellent spot to get pink eye

Person 1: yo i gotta shit real bad
Person 2: the toilets are occupied though
Person 1: fuck yes off to the shit dungeon we go
Person 2: yesssssss

by gamner sex June 14, 2019

Treys Dungeon

A dungeon owned by a small teen named Trey, where sexual and violent acts are performed on hostages

Oh my god, I was taken to Treys Dungeon

by robokip1234 August 25, 2017