Similar to a peeking Tom, but he takes it a step further and follows the person around. Not to confuse with with a stalker Tom, cause that's the next step
Babe, did you ever spy and creep on me like a peeping Tom, cuz you definitely followed me around everywhere like follow me around Tom...
To listen to the global scientific authorities who tell us how fucked we are regarding Covid and the environment.
A: How do you know these vaccines work?
B: Follow the science, bro.
A phrase commonly said at the end of a Gohar Khan/@GoharsGuides video on Youtube
Here’s how to spot a good professor he starts off the lesson with the slides but barely reads off them instead using captivating experiments and they dont judge students for bad grades instead asking how they can help and last they recommend you Follow Gohar
Person 343: Soccer is once per turn neurotical psychosomatic game because the Abreus And Durans family lineage and line are the following symbols: 《¤》.
"Do you know , I follow barbblinkinc on Pinterest"
"Well your the hottest person alive"
Those people look like they could be samwwfc followers
Instead of travelling 'round the world like gypsies and pirates, actually figuring out a plan of action, and sticking to it, before undertaking any project of scale.
If you don't want to suffer the consequences of having done something retargerous, why not simply follow the map to Stalingrad?