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somebody with insane amounts of knowledge, don't use wikipedia, use your fucking grandpa to give your shitty answers that only your grandpa will know

Richard: Grandpa, is wikipedia bad?
Grandpa: oh yes it fucking is
Richard: what is a dick
Grandpa: you
Richard: oh my god so fucking true

by how is every name taken August 10, 2023


Parent's father.


by Zabombini October 5, 2024


Your sweet old man who, tells the best jokes, gives you money, You get 100 bucks for turning their tv on. Basically the best people ever

"My grandpa gave me 100 dollars just because I turned their tv on!!!"

by fetasalaatti666 August 11, 2023

Your grandpa queer

This insult is so bad in most countries it is illegal it will make your opponent die ,come back alive,and kill thereself

Jimmy: ur mom gay lol
Devin: yo dad lesbian lmao
Jimmy: you’re granny tranny

Devin: yo fam you uncle bisexual

Jimmy: yo aunt pansexual
Devin: your grandpa queer YEET

Jimmy: turns into a neutron star L

by Lil fam November 20, 2018

Work grandpa

A type of elderly coworker that has years of experience in any and all things. All knowing. Shamanistic in their behavior. Wise. Knowledgeable. Old as fuck. But really cool. Has the funniest stories of the old days. Makes you laugh until you piss yourself. Still Parties hard!!!

My work grandpa told me a story about how he uses dating apps on his new phone to get laid.

Work Grandpa went to the Canadien Woodstock in the 60’s and did acid, reefer and mescaline for days.

by Bleepblow February 19, 2021

rusty grandpa

when an older gentleman has sex but his spray on tan rubs off on the bed sheets

watch out for randy, I hear he's a real rusty grandpa

by Chillingallday November 29, 2020

Grandpa Bean

A very old mexican man.

Bill isn't that the sweaty grandpa bean we saw jogging the other day.

by Brad Dunlap January 22, 2009

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