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Grease Rocket

Anything bought at a fast food joint. A greasy hamburger or a nasty burrito.

We went to The King and get some grease rockets after a night of heavy drinking.

by rjalex74 May 9, 2007

Grease Daddy

A grease daddy is similar to a sugar daddy, but who instead provides you with hamburgers and other greasy foods instead.

Girl: Hey daddy, I'm craving some Mickey D's. Can you pick me up?
Grease Daddy: Sure baby, I'll be right there!

by omrizhaki January 26, 2019

Grease Neck

Someone with no life. They prefer online interactions with females than talking in person. Can be found playing online multiplayer games, trying extremely hard to make up for the fact that the E Thot they sent $300 to won't date them.

Grease Neck: "Ok dude, so what if Alinity won't let me be her boyfriend and rub ber feet. At least I went 46 and 2 running the M4 and 725 shotgun on piccadilly"

Normal human: "Ok grease neck"

by SweggingBeats December 18, 2019

Grease Trumpet

When the ass is expelling some of the loudest, wettest sounding flatulence known to man.

Man I’m playing the grease trumpet today. I may have to go wipe.

by Eaton Holgoode January 14, 2019

Grease weasel

An ugly girl that thinks way to highly of herself

Man that girl is a 5 but demands to be treated like a 10 she's a grease weasel

by aonerockz September 18, 2018

grease magnet

A phrase derived from the flash movie "The Demented Cartoon Movie" that, directly after being said, causes the Earth to spontaniously explode.

Boy (wearing a propeller hat and holding a small cannon): "Grease Magnet!"

- Camera zooms out to veiw the Earth, which then explodes.

by EskimoBob4Ever July 26, 2006

Greasing the wheels

Facilitating the process to ensure smoother sailing when it's go time.

Example of greasing the wheels:

"Im gonna cook her favorite meal before i ask her to go to the game."

by Tophertalks November 18, 2021