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Stairway to Heaven

A ladder on a girl's stockings or tights

"wow, look at that girl's stairway to heaven"

by frosty5 May 25, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

hound heaven

planting your scrotum on your face and taking a huge whiff

slapping your sack on someone's face and making them inhale

"dude, you ever felt like just putting your testicles on your face and taking a huge whiff?"
"are you kidding me?! i'm in hound heaven every night!"

"honey, what's wrong?"
"i got canned from my job."
"oh no! thats terrible."
"actually it gets worst. while i was sleeping in my office my boss informed me by politely planting his nuts on my grill, and forcing me to sniff them."
"awh, you were a victim of hound heaven."

by stebe December 7, 2005

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

heaven janiya

A girl that is loyal ,smart ,pretty ,and have all the girls hate .she will take anybody's man ,one of the most talented people on earth and everybody falls for her

Heaven janiya has the most haters

by Boujie.cece March 31, 2018

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heaven sent

Derived from the Brand New song "Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't" (which is a kind of song that should ignite the airways, totally stealth!)

- adj.- the ultimate compliment. used to descibe a person or thing as incredibly great, cool, etc.

1. Jesse Lacey is heaven sent!

2. This coffee is the best that I've ever had. It's heaven sent.

by Carla's face February 24, 2005

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Stairway to Heaven

A pretty good song overplayed by any redneck/bro/douchebag with a guitar for the simple reason that they think it is the only song in existance. Also synonymous to smoke on the water.

Guy 1: "Man I sure do love to play stairway to heaven and smoke on the water on my guitar, everyone who hears me must think im cool! "
Guy 2: "Actually it's pretty annoying"
Guy 1: " You just don't understand the depth of the lyrics and guitar solo"

by the real tiga November 4, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Disco Heaven

A magical place that Lady Gaga sings of where there's dancing, drinking, partying, singing, lights, music, and falling in love. Everyone has such a good time here that its just like heaven.

Lady Gaga: "Oh the lights dim while we're dancing
Yeah the floor is shaking
In this disco heaven"

by Sheepking88 August 30, 2020

Heaven's hangout

Heaven's hangout is a discord server that changed its name from cloud hangouts to heave hangouts.
This is the definition.

"a discord server full of stupid snowflakes
I was banned immediately from cloud hangouts for no reason
by ร˜k January 04, 2021"
They accused someone I know of supporting a groomer.

Heaven's hangout is filled with a bunch of woke 11-16 year old girls that get offended by the word Joel for some reason.

by Bigus Dicus January 7, 2021