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horse doodling


The act of doing something that is in no way benfecial to the mission or activity.

Lots of people use this phrase. But no one you know.

See also: monkeying about

Source: Red Vs Blue, episode 53.

Griff: You said it was a real phrase like "horse doodling!"

by Evil Badman March 31, 2005

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horse plinko

someone you want to torture

used as a term on tumblr

A: "Your mom's a horse plinko."

B: "What the fuck is that"

by MaskedBoii March 30, 2022

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Twojan Horse

The act of following someone on twitter hoping to get a follow back and as soon as it is achieved, immediately unfollow them to achieve a better following to followers ratio. A truly selfish move.

Yo man I met this chick at the bar and I found her on twitter. I'll twojan horse her when I get back to my apartment, I need to get to a perfect twitter ratio.

by HWar July 27, 2012

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"Caciocavallo is made from cow's milk, though its cryptic name literally means "horse cheese" --the Sicilian word "cacio" sharing the same root as casein while "cavallo" means horse. Nobody in Sicily has milked a mare lately, as far as I know. It takes at least eight months to age Caciocavallo properly, achieving a sharper flavour in about two years. Caciocavallo is a good complement to stronger wines, and widely used for grating over pasta. Indeed, it is a favourite of Sicilian chefs for use with pasta. It's usually shaped as a large wheel. "Caciovacchino" was a similar product made in times past."

From www.bestofsicily.com

Ah, this delightfully robust wine just screams for Horse Cheese!

by Spanky the Wonder Horse September 25, 2003

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the white horse

heroin ,another term for heroin

if you want to ride dont ride the white horse (heroin)
if you want to ride, ride the white pony (cocaine)

by cocaine/heroineHeadrushBabe November 25, 2006

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horses for courses

What might be good for one situation/person might not be good for another.

'I really like rock music, but it's horses for courses.'

by Claire Lane May 24, 2007

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Horse Turtle

Omnipotent supreme being. Creator of all. Looks like a horse with a turtle shell wrapped around its body, wears a crown to signify its dominance. has flames shooting out of its rectal cavity, no reason has been explained. very skilled at many different things including making sandwiches. Killed the dinosaurs because they ate his big bowl of cream cheese. The only time it has cried is when Scar killed Mufasa in the Lion King. Horse Turtle invented x box live among many many other things (everything, random facts are funnier than simply stating everything). Horse Turtle is also Bowsers brother in law. Was a one time member of the APA.

the closest example would be god but even god does not equal the raw power of the Horse Turtle.

by BBrown08 March 30, 2009

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