Source Code

crack house

An establishment of some kind where people make, deal and smoke crack cocaine. This could be a house, an apartment, or a shack to name a few, similar to a coke house.

β€œYou can always find a dealer at the crack house.”

"All the crack heads go to that crack house to smoke."

"The police raided a huge crack house and confiscated over 1000 rocks!"

by IceWarm October 31, 2004

164πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

houses of the holy

Houses of the Holy is an album released with Atlantic on March 23, 1973.
Along with the album Led Zeppelin also made it into a song.
Although they intended to put the song on the album, the band didn't think that it fit, so it ended up being put on their next album, Physical Graffiti.
Houses of the Holy has amazing songs, such as

The Song Remains The Same
The Rain Song
Over the Hills and Far Away(OTHAFA)
The Crunge
Dancing Days
D'yer Mak'er
No Quarter
The Ocean

Chris: I love that Houses of the Holy song
Brad: Do you know what album that song is off of?
Chris: Duh... Houses of the Holy you idiot.
Brad: *sigh* No it's on the album Physical Grafitti. Why don't you go listen to techo or something.

by Bradley Clarke May 1, 2007

66πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


The act of watching a person's house, whether a neighbor, friend, relative, etc. Activities include eating all their food, watching their TV, and playing with their pets. Can be very fun or just a huge drag.

Person 1: Dude, house-sitting is so lame. Let's throw a kick ass party!
Person 2: Fuck yeah!!

by snarky56 June 22, 2009

19πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

punk house

punk house
A small home or apartment, with a maximum room limit of about 7 people, with random people coming in and out all the time and basically living there. Usually there are 8-20 people in the house at all times. The door is literally always open or unlocked . In laments terms its one large, random, constant party.

Mike: I'm so bored man.

Ike: I know! We can go to Johnny Tambourine's place! His house is a total punk house.

by Caroline Little April 28, 2008

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Doll House

Strip Joint

At Doll House... they don't even have male strippers but they're still better than you!!!

by Yoooo Mama October 18, 2010

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House of Dracula

Nickname for old Folsom State Prison in Represa, California.

Ex. 1

"Whenever you see an old prison photo with guys wearing the straw hats, you know those were taken at El CatΓ³n de Dracula: The House of Dracula as we affectionately nicknamed Folsom Prison."

Mundo Mendoza, 'Venice & La Rana Gangs - Mexican Mob Ties' May 22, 2020

Ex. 2

Cuate: Oh shit! That J-Cat necrophiliac from Rich City just touch-downed at old Folsom! Dude had sex with a dead body! They got him with DNA!

Peligro: And don't surprised he pulls that stunt again and drinks the blood. There's a reason Folsom’s called the House of Dracula!

by ZXY&ABC May 24, 2020

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Robot House

A mock frat house that aims to screw the rules, piss-off deans, and defy the laws of originality at every turn.

Robot House is not an organization, it is a state of mind - aimed at taking back the freedom and fun from every dictator without a sense of humour.

"Whenever a fire alarm is pulled, it's Robot House. Whenever the campus liquor store is looted, Robot House. Every time a human corpse is desecratedβ€”"
"-uh, I can explain that-"
"That's enough out of you! From this day forth, Robot House is on dodeca-tuple secret probation!"

by RuleNo2 June 10, 2008

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