Source Code

Same room insanity

When a small group of people stay in one room for a prolonged period of time that they slowly go insane

Same room insanity: Ben, Josh and Taz were in the same room for so long that they turned actually insane and Ben genuinely became gay

by chicken888 June 11, 2016

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

male insanity syndrome

The belief that there is a more compatible or desirable woman than one's present girlfriend. The ensuing uncertainty often leads to the eventual demise of the relationship. Taken from the movie, The Tao of Steve.

Male insanity syndrome?

"Ya know, that is just you're with a woman and no matter how cool she is, you're always thinking, 'Maybe I could do a little better or I could trade up somehow."

by jay kizzel March 1, 2006

40๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Insane Clown Pussies

ICP is short for the Insane Clown Pussies

They are a rap duo from Detroit (who's stage names are Silent Gay and Faggy 2 Dope), who have made themselves infamous for a number of reasons.

1) Their fugly appearance
2) Their fanbase of 13-year-old retards
3) The fact they're wiggers

Let's look at these reasons in detail.

1) The Insane Clown Pussies wear face paint, a base coating of pure white all over their faces, and then their respective patterns painted on in black, sometimes with an extra color (red) to match their outfits. Faggy 2 Dope dresses like a black guy, wears his hair like a black guy, dyes his hair black so it looks like a black guys hair, and talks exactly like a black guy. Nowadays, Silent Gay has bleached spiked hair, while Faggy has braids.

2) Their fanbase (refered to as "Juggalos" for guys, and "Juggalettes" for chicks) are the biggest reason this band is as hated as they are. Juggalos and Juggalettes are all douches... that's what it boils down to. You can be damn sure that anyone who refers to themself by this term, is a total loser. Juggalos will wear face paint, all day. Its one thing to wear the paint for an ICP event, but Juggalos will walk around all day with the stuff on.

They are all incredibly defensive when it comes to the Insane Clown Pussies, which is admirable, if they didn't have the debating skills of a head of lettuce. For an example of a Juggalo's argumentative skills, see below.

The Insane Clown Pussies started a beef with Eminem because Eminem asked them to play at his party, and they got mad for no reason. Eminem has dissed them on their Marshal Mathers album, put clown paint on sex dummies and thrown them into the crowd at a sold out arena with like 50, 000 people there, and made up the name Insane Clown Pussies, Silent Gay, and Faggy 2 Dope. To that ICP responded with the insults Feminem, and Slim Anus. Wow, great comebacks.

Juggalos can threaten you, or say they'll fight you on the internet and then once you see them in real life, they'll either act like he's your best friend, or reject a fight 'cause they know that their pathetic bitches.

To sum it all up the Insane Clown Pussies have horrible music, they and their fans do pot, there fans are mostly 13, they are pussies, they're drop - outs, and they hate Eminem because they're dumbfounded retards.

The Insane Clown Pussies are fuckin' faggots man.

Silent Gay is SO FAT!

Faggy 2 Dope is a wigger.

Fuck juggalos.

by Robb Wrone September 13, 2008

439๐Ÿ‘ 199๐Ÿ‘Ž

Among Us Insanity

Where one perceives reality as revolving around the hit game among ignoring context and logic.

"it's pre sus." "He's a retard with among us insanity."

by Imposter wid drip February 24, 2021

insane clown posse

a rap/metal duo that look like Ronald MC Donald and his fat boyfriend that eats too much big macs.

guy 1:did you see insane clown posse at the VBC?

guy 2:its more like insane clown pussies

by m>a>t>t July 17, 2006

1778๐Ÿ‘ 871๐Ÿ‘Ž

Insane Clown Posse

absolute shit

I.C.P. is shit

Insane Clown Posse should go choke on hobo cock

by icpistheworstbandever July 29, 2009

856๐Ÿ‘ 453๐Ÿ‘Ž

insanity prawn boy

A charicter from 'on the moon' a cartoon by weebls stuff. Hes a crazy prawn who lives with the toast king and moon Hitler.

'I am insanity prawn boy! i am on the moon!' 'how did you get to the moon?' 'THATS RIGHT!'

by Coultaster December 23, 2005

50๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž