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Juan Cena

Donald Trump's rival in the ring.

His name is... JUAN CENA! (Insert mariachi here)

by iiRazor April 17, 2016

Juan Mexico

A Mexican

Juan Mexico makes a mean Taco

by Thiccrickstoleyourgirl October 20, 2019


Juan, also known as honeymoan is a musical artist. 3 debut albums as of right now. Dont let his success fool you cuz hes a two faced BITCH! 🤭🤭

juan│#5669 is like bitch, use it like ugh tjat girl is such a juan│#5669

by Lanacord’s best membe (brooke) March 12, 2022

Juan Mendez

Every Mexican´s best friend

JOSe Mendez: hey step bro where is Juan Mendez

Step Bro Mendez: I dont know Jose Mendez aka my step bro???!!!

by mexicantoilet January 3, 2021

Theo Juan

The Mexican equivelant of an Uncle Tom. A Mexican who falls outside of the sod, roofing, landscaping, and painting stereotype.

"hey amigo, look at that Theo Juan over there in that suit with all of his white friends walking into that fancy office building. It just aint right, he should be down here painting with the rest of us."

by Frankilicious April 8, 2008

juan sollo

1. a very derpy YouTuber, good with a beer when your bored
2. a dumb youtube vid

did you see the juan sollo video juan sollo uploaded today

hey check out juan sollo's channel
that video is so juan sollo
hey look at that juan sollo. it is as denomic as a furby

by travis lard March 4, 2019

Juan Erection

-A penis so erect, it crosses the Mexican-American border, therefore transforming it into a Juan Erection.
-Also used to describe Juan's Erection

Billy just experienced his first Juan Erection

by ShaggSpawns March 27, 2015