Kim Kardashian is a serious illness discovered in Calabasas when Kris Jenner gave birth to this disease in 1850. This disease includes having a shopping kink and getting married 5 times in 1 year and divorcing after 72 days.
Jenny: “Stacy is acting autistic”
Amber: “She’s got the Kim Kardashian!”
Jenny: “Ouch that’s worse than cancer”
Why do i think all the people writing about her r men... like who asked u.
She is famous and rich and u wish u could be her so why don't u stfu and actually get a job and move out of ur family's basement pls...
kim kardashian is rich and famous... i mean go her!
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The most plastic woman you'll ever meet.
Student: I have a question!
Teacher: What is it?
Student: If Kim Kardashian drowned, would it be plastic pollution?
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person 1:all i see is plastic
person 2: Ohhh thats kim kardashian
A synonym of “I don’t give a flying fuck about what minor thing just happened”
“Hey, did you see that Brittany got a new phone but didn’t add Josh back on her contacts list?”
“Kim Kardashian”