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Cock Knocking

The art of getting your cock and slapping it on your partners forehead before they wake up. Sometimes done before a blow job but less popular

cock knocking = Oli cock knocked Ben before a BJ, Ben was not amused

by KJK72 July 11, 2008

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Knocking teeth

When your man hits his teeth off of your teeth when becoming intimate with each other.

Yo man I was knocking teeth with my girl the other night

by Ekalopsia June 7, 2019

Sponge knocking

A person is sponge knocking if they say that they tried to pay a debt to another person, but lied about it.

Person 1 "Man I tried to pay you...knocked on the door....no answer"
Person 2 "Oh yeah? Knocked all night at my door...was in all night, were you knocking on the door with a sponge?" Hence called sponge knocking. "I was accused of sponge knocking...but i really tried"

by AK169 September 18, 2011

Knick knocks

London slang for a pair of ladies knickers

Put your dirty knick knocks in the washing machine.

by maired September 1, 2022

Knocking Hip

Northern English (especially S Yorkshire, Lincolnshire) meaning to have sexual intercourse

I reckon my mum and dad were knocking hip last night

by Bumbaclaart November 26, 2022

Nic Knocked

When u hit the juul too hard and have to lay down because of the nicotine head rush

Holdup bro, I gotta sit down I just got nic knocked

by idkwhyimadethisaccount January 18, 2019

Noddy knock

On your own

You've been spending too much time on your noddy knock.
(Or you've been spending too much time on your noddy)

by Rolleroy March 13, 2017