To have been forced to laugh by somebody
Poppy: I like it when you laugh properly, like when i tickle you
Andy: Thats laugh rape
A game where a pair or group of people record themselves watching a series of clips intended to be funny, and the challenge is to not be the one to laugh first; the one who does loses. The said record of the challenges is then posted online for entertainment consumption of the mass. Also referred to as "try-not-to-laugh" challenge, the trend has gained popularity in the end of 2000s and 2010s in general and has been widely adapted by YouTubers who and YouTube channels, such as REPLAY, which has made a series of a batch of people dueling each other over new sets of clips for each episode. In this game, various definitions of "laugh" have come up, including grinning, smiling, smirking or chuckling.
In his latest YouTube video, PewDiePie says, "Today, I am having a laugh challenge with Jacksepticeye and the one who laughs first, loses.'
It’s like a laugh but nothing comes out just a little sound at the start
Person1- *no sound laugh* THAT WAS GREAT
Person2- *confused* Are you Laughing or not ?
A laugh in which causes all people around the person who is laughing, to start laughing because of how horrible the persons laugh is.
My friend did Epic laugh yesterday, I loved it and hated it at the same time.
A fan named for a gigantic dude who sits on a bed and laughs at you when you use the "Phone Effect" in Yume 2kki.
Me: Dude have you seen the Laughing Man in Yume 2kki?
Friend: Yeah, that dude scared the hell out of me when I used the Phone Effect.
laughing so hard than no sound comes out, often resulting in wierd noises, clapping like a seal, falling over and stomach aches.
bff1: lol did u watch the latest TBBT?
bff2: yes, and i was getting dirty looks because i was seal laughing every thime sheldon said "Bazinga!"
when everyone else is asleep and you see something that makes you want to laugh-- loudly. in this case you are forced to let out a small awkward giggle and refrain from your standard cackle, this makes you sound like a pedophile :))))
"i read your text last night at 3am and my pedophile laugh came out"