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Lily is an amazing person. She is intelligent, kind, small, sometimes can be single but always has a crush. She will always defend you and will always listen in class but knows when the right time to mess about is. Lily is amazing at music and will often be called a sweat. Lily's are often born a Leo. Lily is very emotional but can show no emotion at the same time. Lily likes to lead. She also will over react sometimes and dosent like to be bosses about. She may look innocent but lily has a deep dark side to her. Lily loves to help others and loves setting an example. You need to go fine yourself a lily

My friend is called Lily

by Definition Dianne November 11, 2019


Lily is amazing. they may be slightly gender fucked, but they are the best friend you could honestly ever ask for. they will always have you back, and will be there for you no matter what.

Lily is fucking baller man

by alexandervalentine December 6, 2019


Lily is a nice beautiful exotic girl. She is incredibly beautiful inside and out. She is amazingly smart and can accomplish everything she encounters. She is popular and a magnet towards guys. Lily is sensitive, but really doesn’t show until you know her. Lily is a tough girl on the outside but on the inside she can be hurt and that means don’t be a dick wab and cheat on her and if you decide to be a bitch and cheat on her with other girls, you will destroy an angel and a rare piece of life that is in this world and it will bite you back in the ass so quickly but since lily is an amazingly true beautiful angel she will forgive you with her heart and it will destroy you. Lily is a rare piece of our universe, if you get her treat her like a queen and don’t break her heart. If you meet a lily keep her forever because if you don’t it is a denied chance of opportunity...

Lily is an angel and I shall treat her like one
Lily will be a great girlfriend, therefore I will have a great life
Have you met lily, she is insanely beautiful!

by Bryce_V November 13, 2019


A bhad bitch

Ugh that Lily girl is such a bhad bitch

by xo. anonymous48 September 9, 2019


Really nice girl,She is a good friend,She has green eyes.She can be very scary.She is a county baller,She shifted Daire Brennan🤮But other then that she is a her nice person.

Fionnuala:jaysus lily did u shift daire Brennan
Lily:Did it for his hair

by Sicpack April 28, 2019


a girl who is your enemy, becomes your friend, but then shortly after, becomes your mortal enemy.

Lily is a mean human being, she will not be my friend!

by elkdrivingjapanesecar February 10, 2022


Lily is the greatest person to be around. she is so outgoing and fun to be around. If you don’t got a lily in your life then you better find her or else you will never live a full fun life. She might not always see her beauty but it’s there right in front of all of us. Only her true friends can see it. SO GO OUT AND GET YOURSELF A LILY RIGHT NOW BITCH

Person #1 have you heard of lily?
Person #2 nope sorry...
Person#1 well you better go find her a become friends if you want to live!!!!

by Gummydropbears112 December 31, 2020