To kick a douche bag in the shins.
A guy at Suede in Tulsa told Julia she looked like his mom from behind, so she mole kicked him.
A person who walks up and down the beach with a metal detector digging up holes everywhere.
Be careful of all the holes on the beach from the beach moles.
using an empty rocket laucher as a club to beat down an opponet
HA HA You got mole wacked b!tch
a hot guy
mikaela: alicia look at that slush mole
alicia: matte he is a slush mole
Going Mud Moling means performing anal. To Mud Mole is to insert oneself inside the anus of a coworker or dear friend or mistress. A mud mole could be the aftermath of your penis after going mud moling. Mud moling should be an Olympic sport.
"Bro I mud moled your sister last night. It was all her idea to go mud moling. Turns out it wasn't her first time."
Drake the Snake
The act of aggressively grabbing a man's genitalia at the base from under the butt while he is bent over and pulling it upwards...yelling Ninja Mole
Broke up with my girlfriend after she gave me a Ninja Mole.
Noun: A minty cylindrical chocolate coated treat you can find in a candy isle that you eat when you watch the live action Mulan. After the box is eaten you can use the left over cardboard to turn yourself into a mole gopher.
Adjective: Used to describe bumps on skin and hair. Also can be used to describe tears or droplets of water.
She has a mole gopher on her head! (Referring to a bun)
Look at those mole gophers on her cheek (she's crying and it's her tears)
Man those mole gophers were good, and now I look like a mole gopher too!