A movement that seeks to get retarded people layed or in other words to have sex because no one else will do it and they deserve sex like other people do.
He's in the retard laying movement.
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A movement whose goal is to asign homeless heople a house or apartment and can and a private or government job if nothing but picking up trash. And perhaps therapy for the experence of being homeless.The more factions of the movement want to asign them a spouse or live in boy or girlfriend.
What do you think about the human value movement?
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A movement that combines the goth scene and the neohippie movement. People in it believe in the neohippie ideology,peace,love ect. but they also have the darl out look of the goths. death,vampires ect.
John is in the dark hippie movement.
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A movement in which the people try to think of various ways to bring that world to an end and then carry it out because thay think the world is so fucked up it can't a fixed and should be brought to an end.
John is in the end of world movement.
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A millitant grass roots movement that seeks to form communist groups of mostly young people around the world, each group being called a red brigade and which seeks through armed struggle to form communist revolutionary governments to overcome the economic explotation of the worlds poor.
Support the red brigades movement.
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A militant movement that seeks to tare down the wall between the US and Mexico so that people can pass through as they will.
John is in the wall demolishion movement.
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A movement that seeks to take over all the counties of the world and replace there governments with socialist, communist or anarchist ones ect.
And also to have all bankers and people who run the present economic system executed by the guillotine for crimes against humanity and because of there exstreme greed. For taking away peoples homes ect. and denying vital loans ect.
Support the bank guillotine movement.
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