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No scope

When a student in your class tries to be funny but the teacher picks up to what he or she is doing and they get yelled at and sent out of the room and just hear a random "NO SCOPE!!" Out of nowhere.

Ok class do you all have your project done that was due today? (Random student) No but I sure got DEEZ NUTZ!! Teacher- Leave the room now we're going to call your parents! (Random student) NO SCOPE!!!

by Superwoman_1056 December 2, 2015

No Scope

Literally me on Battlefield 4 whenever I successfully one-shot another player without aiming

Some random person on BF4: gets shot and dies
My squadmates: He is very skilled at the no scope.

by DJ Brutus April 17, 2021

No scope

When someone snipes somebody else without using the scope.

I really want to no scope somebody

by IMayBeNinjaButYouWillNeverKnow December 17, 2018

No scope

When Some one Hits an insane No Scope everyone goes "OOOOOOOOOoOoOOOoOooOOOOOOOHHhhH"

OH My God Bro You Just Hit An INSANE No Scope

by YoloSneakzYT December 6, 2019

No scope

When you sneak up on someone and shoot them

I think its from cod

Person 1 - *gets shot*
Person 2 - lol get no scoped

by A_rAnDoM_mEmEr March 26, 2019

booger scope

When a camera is aimed up at someone's nose.

These youtoube videos are so amateur, tons of booger scope shots.

by Richard Normus June 17, 2022

In the scope

Being targeted or watched carefully, usually any slight misstep when targeted as such leads to massive retaliation.

Dude 1: “Yeah man, someone told Becky that I was talkin mad shit about her behind her back, and now I’m in the scope

Dude 2: “Fuck bro, you better watch your back, Becky can be a passive aggressive bitch when she wants to be. Might even pull an Amber Turd on you if you’re not payin attention”

by CrypsAhoy June 9, 2022