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Listens to music that no one else listens to.
Is very beautiful, kind, and very intelligent. Believes in love at first sight because it happens to her. Acts rude to guys when she likes them. Doesn’t give a fuck about what you think. Is the most littiest person you will ever meet.

I met this girl today and damn she’s rude af but very lit.
What’s her name?
That’s what I thought

by btskookie101 February 16, 2018

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A bitch who won’t stop talking about it.

Olivia: I cry every time Eddie dies and Stan has a personality

by \(•_•)/ April 3, 2020

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A beautiful hearted girl who loves everyone, she is taken for granted but finds a way to love life.She loves her friends and family, also super beautiful without trying, an amazing friend and is always there for you through thick and thin!!

Olivia is my favorite person ever

by _lovely_ February 1, 2018

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She’s the prettiest girl you’ll ever meet with the voice of an angel. She’s super talented and doesn’t enjoy showing off. She’d rather have the ones she loves Happy other than herself. Her happiness is most of the time fake, but damn is she an amazing actress. Her heart of gold stands out along with her gorgeous smile and eyes. Her crystal blue eyes are filled with wonder and knowledge. She’s often artsy and creative, but her beauty and charm are the most noticeable. She could make all the guys drop dead as soon as she walks into the room. She’s a super skilled kisser, and could be the worlds next vogue model. She’s the cutest girl ever and doesn’t let many people into her life so when she does, NEVER let her go. When she gives you trust value it. Her trust issues tend to make her build up walls. When she uses self deprecation it’s not because she’s fishing for compliments, it’s because she was always bullied. Her parents don’t give her the respect she needs so she counts on her friends. She’s an amazing listener, intelligent, and friken adorable. She’s very clumsy and tall, but somehow it makes her even more graceful. She has the best singing voice, and has an amazing talent for writing paragraphs. When you meet a girl after meeting Olivia you’ll wish she was Olivia instead. She’ll never believe it but she’s so beautiful.

Group of girls: God Damn who is that girl all the guys are crowding around her

Other guy: that’s Olivia and they better not get to close, she’s mine!

by Rqndomness May 10, 2018

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Olivia is probably one of the most humble, amazing girls you'll ever meet. When someone's talking trash about themselves or someone else, she'll always stick up for them. She's super sporty and loves running. Also a beast at badmitton. If you know an Olivia like this, consider yourself very lucky.

Dang, Olivia is so amazing and humble! I love her!

by bobmcjoe March 5, 2018

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A girl who seems to have it under control. That person who is always smiling. But deep down, she suffers from depression. She feels as if she is drowning, and that everything that goes wrong is her fault. When Olivia wants someone to like her, she changes. Every once in a while, a true friend will find a crack in the wall that she is constantly building higher. She has many times considered just ending it all. But she has a conscience. And the conscience tells her that her family would not recover quickly from that loss. So she stays. In pain, fighting to keep a calm face. Because one day, soon, she will drown. But if the walls come down, people will see the shining spirit inside of her that so few people see. Olivia is kind, humorous, weird. And she has a thing for pineapples. But that is the real her. The person she will be if she can survive.

Olivia, let someone help you.

by Ananas Por Favor July 3, 2018

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Olivia is the most amazing person ever. She is so sweet and kind, funny, pretty, smart, sporty,popular and so much more. Although Olivia goes through some shit with her family. She may have the most amazing smile but it could honestly be fake. Olivia is one to talk to and she will always be there for you. Olivia will do anything to make someone happy or ok. She is willing to do anything for anyone. She is everything you could ever want.

Person 1. “That Olivia is an awesome person I love her!”
Person 2. IKR she is so nice I love her too

by mat davis July 3, 2018

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