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Big tanky guy, he is nervous, he is fast but also can roll, he is very friendly, he listens to alot of rap and hiphop but he doesn’t know anything of the gangster life, he is a casual guy, sweaty and good in gaming, you can trust him, he only snitches when he gets in trouble himself. He smells Nice.

Hey ‘omeshow are you

Omes: i am tank man

by Somaliadefender November 22, 2021


on my end

In a message:
friday’s cool ome. see you

by porter70000 April 28, 2020


The opposite of emo. This person wears white, and is typically content with the world and themselves. They usually dress business-casually, and are seen as very intelligent.

Person 1: “Are you ome?”
Person 2: “Indeed. Do I not look ome enough?”

Person 1: “Oh. You look ome, but I just wanted to make sure.”

by yeetoskeetobaby April 12, 2023


To be screwed over

Bro you Omed me.

by COolguhythatscool May 16, 2022


'Offing my self'
Its basically an equivalent of KMS

"Oms rn"
"You make me wanna oms so bad."
"If u kys ill oms too"

by Loafer999 October 30, 2023


Stands for old married Spirk (Spock/Kirk). A popular ship inspired by Star Trek the movie series (TMS). It is considered canon by many fans.

OMS is generally regarded with affection because:
1. It isn't about the attractiveness of the characters
2. TMS (the movie series) is brilliant (c'mon, they travel back in time to save whales)
3. The fanfics tend to be fluffy/comfort fics and may also incorporate many deeper or more serious topics.

Person 1: OMS is my OTP.
Person 2: But why would you ship old people?
Person 1: how dare you.

by that handle is already used :( November 21, 2020


Oh my Satan! Exactly like how people use OMG for “Oh my God”, but better!

Person1: “Did you hear about what happened?”
Person2: “OMS! Gurl, you have no idea!”

by TripDawg21 June 24, 2023