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Weenie in disguise.

i.e. Someone who thinks they're tuff because they have a buncha tattoos on their body/face. Or someone that dresses like a gangster, talks like a gangster, tries to walk like a gangster, or just act hard in general, when in reality they're as soft as baby shit. Just like a corndog is just a weenie thats been dipped in batter, underneath all that batter, its just a weener with a stick up its ass....

Your teardrop tattoos are not intimidating, you're just a weenie in disguise, Corndog.

by Brainsick June 18, 2017


Weenie in disguise.

i.e. Someone who thinks they're tuff because they have a buncha tattoos on their body/face. Or someone that dresses like a gangster, talks like a gangster, tries to walk like a gangster, or just act hard in general, when in reality they're as soft as baby shit. Just like a corndog is just a weenie thats been dipped in batter, underneath all that batter, its just a weener with a stick up its ass....

Your teardrop tattoos are not intimidating, Corndog.

by Brainsick June 18, 2017


someone with a long head , 4 eyes , no one likes him , and talks the most shit !

Corey is one ugly corndog that talks the most shit even if it’s false !

by lookisaidwhatisaid February 8, 2019


Serene Rowland

Serene your a literal corndog.

by Corndoghater69 April 8, 2024


This is a metophorical penis that is the newest 20th century sex toy.

Damn that corndog feels so good!

by PapiBoss May 17, 2021


Fans of the Louisiana State University football team.

While can't wait for the Tide to whoop up on LSU this weekend, the corndogs always trash the place when they come to town.

by Fwahz January 4, 2018


Penis on a stick that is very hot diggity dog covered in cum thats corn flavored cum

Thats a hot corndogs

by PePe Dogs February 22, 2021