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Soul Patrol

The imaginary police or enforcement group made up of imaginary african americans, who are feared by any white person trying to dance, or else behave black (see wigger).

Tim McGraw sang with Nelly, and he is appearing on the Country Music awards wearing Fubu, if he raises the roof, the soul patrol will be all over him!

by nikthenyetminder January 15, 2005

15πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Troll Patrol

A group of people that pose as would-be racists and hide out in dark alleys. When vulnerable women pass by, the "Troll Patrol" acts is if they are about to rape the girl and then at the last minute stop and yell, "Walk with a friend in a less dangerous neighborhood, or next time I will rape you!" as a means to scare girls into being safer. Troll patrols can also be used to teach lessons about other dangerous activities as well.

Sally almost shit her pants when she was stopped by the troll patrol, now she always walks home with her friends.

Bob was mistakenly arrested for attempted rape when performing his troll patrol duties. He's in jail now.

by T-RollPatrol November 23, 2011

5πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Pixie Patrol

A name commonly used by the Army and Navy cadets to describe Air force cadets, it refers to the fact the the Air Force is used to "patrol" the skies. and the fact that they are a bunch of pixies

Army cadet 1: ah. fuck. look air fairies.
Army cadet 2: Shit Look at that Pixie patrol.
Army cadet 1: God, i wish i was one. *laughs*
Pixies: Fuck you.
Army cadet 2: you'd like that wouldn't you?

by NickΓΈs. January 5, 2010

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safety patrol

When you check in on all your friends the morning after a party

Dude, I was assigned safety patrol after last night's drinking session

by Pseudo_nym January 3, 2015

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Poon Patrol

Going on the lookout for that tasty vagina and often shooting it with and invisible poon gun, grenade etc and saying pooned.

Person 1: ay dude there is some poon there, get the poon blaster out

Person 2: *gets gun out* poon poon

Person 1: mad poon patrol

by Sergeant Major Poon February 27, 2013

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Border Patrol

1). Fucking idiot standing at the border, most likely straching his sack

2). Job that requires under 70 IQ.

3). Bored people who shoot at immigrants trying to cross the border.

1). Look at Eric A. Pennino scratch his ballsack; he must be a Border Patrol Officer.

2). I'm a complete retard, I should join the Border Patrol!

3). 72 innocent men were shot today by the Border Patrol.

by Storytelling Sam February 2, 2006

71πŸ‘ 232πŸ‘Ž

Boarder Patrol

Default restrictions in place on message boards that keep users from accessing off-limits areas of the board.

"Balls. I tried to lurk the Members Only board without registering, but got shut down by the Boarder Patrol.

by Hikken September 21, 2007

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