Friend 1:MMmmm I love this salted popcorn
FRiend 2: yes I agree it is the best way to eat popcorn
A quirky popcorn is when you jerk off too much with scorching hot popcorn seeds to the point where you get third degree burns on your dick. At this point you look like Deadpool had sex with a wrinkly old grandma who has herpigoneciphilaids.
Dude I pulled a quirky popcorn last night and now I can't feel my will to live.
The slang term for cocaine. Predominantly used people in the movie industry.
I did so much plastic popcorn while working on the set of spongebob.
A room equipped with one or more air exchangers that are capable of replacing the free air in a room at a rapid rate. Under the guise of being used to quickly disperse the scent of popcorn, the room may also be used to facilitate the covert use of marijuana. The term was coined by the Swearnet crew in Episode 22 "Planning With Leigh" on the "Real Fucking Reality" Internet TV show.
After a stressful day of pitching show ideas, I suggested that we adjourn to the popcorn room to smok - I mean, snack - on some *air quotes* popcorn.
The legend that most Missouri Boys worship. Legendary moonshiner made hundreds of liquor runs through his day.
Its ashame that Popcorn Sutton killed himself
Looks innocent enough until u apply the heat then pop pop, you're dead
The bullies realized too late that he was a popcorn male
the act of running a train consisted of black people and white people on a trampoline
Craig: Yo Jamal do you and Phillip wanna make some zebra popcorn with this bitch I can call.
Jamal: Hell yeah, let me set up the trampoline! No net this time