Commonly used in r/WallStreetBets, a subreddit most commonly known for gambling in the stock market, “Proof or Ban” is used in response to someone who posts about a stock trade or stock position they have entered into but has provided zero proof of them being in that trade. If the user does not provide proof, they get banned from the subreddit forever.
It’s similar to the expression of “Put up or Shut Up”
Can also be used in other contexts outside of the subreddit or stocks in general. However it will work best in group chats with friends.
Friend 1: “Bro. You remember Sally? She was that super hot chick we met at the bar a couple weeks ago.
Friend 2: “Yeah, what about her?”
Friend 1: “You’ll never believe it bro, but she just sent me an Instagram dm saying that she would totally let me pipe and that I was the sexiest guy she had ever seen.”
Friend 2: “Bro you’re totally right. I don’t believe it at all. Proof or ban.”
Pinoy-proof: Any product, service, situation or process that fixes the loopholes that Filipinos usually tend to exploit to the chagrin of most people.
Our compliance department had to Pinoy-proof our process because some Filipinos booked multiple slots in the consultation calendar which took away slots from other people who also needed consultation slots, not to mention that they also wasted the unused slots.
This is proof that I have proved my friend wrong
Proof-information, documents, etc. which show that something is true
Evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish the truth or a fact of a statement; to repel or not rtake in
"She needs to prove her innocents"
"Her shoes are water proof"
something that is give to prove a statement or action.
someone accuses you of literally anything, just say “proof” and 9/10 they don’t have any. they have no proof? walk away. “no camera no proof” that’s the motto.
You do the work for me if I stab somebody...
Hym "So I don't really need any proof... In theory."