Source Code


Rolling on floor laughing

It was so funny im rofl

by Blacklaw101 June 19, 2018


Can be used when someone makes a funny joke or posts something funny and you start Rolling On Floor Laughing Eating Doritos

I ROFLED so hard I crunched up all my Doritos

by Sphyxx July 4, 2022

Rofl Cone

A sarcastic responce to a lame joke that does not actually make you rofl

Kelly's jokes suck, and whenever she texts me one I just respond by saying rofl cone, so that she feels funny.

by nickf&hismom April 13, 2011

Rofl Truffle

The act of rolling on the floor and laughing but accidently truffle shuffling at the same time.

Pete: Hey, I've got a joke!

Joe: HAHAHAHAHHA *rolling on floor* AHAHAHAHA *t-shirt rides up* HAHAHA!!!!

Pete: Put it away Joe?! Take your Rofl Truffle somewhere else!

by Gigipops March 24, 2011


Bonding with someone while discussing humorous moments.

Person 1: "Remember when Billy Bob tried to skateboard on that treadmill"

Person 2: "Oh yea that was totally a rofl moment. Though when Jimmy Bob tried to trampoline onto a moving truck way beats that moment out"

Person 1: "True that. That was the best rofl moment"

Person 2: "Ah I love rofl-bonding"

by Zoe Dimer February 8, 2011