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He (Usually she) is a fucking bitch, and a stupid piece of shit. DUDEE I TOLD YOU IM BROKE.

Oh no I dropped my food onto my crush, that was so reagan of me!

by encryptdaddy July 31, 2022


Reagan is the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on. Her smile, her eyes, her hair, her freckles, her style is breathtaking! Her personality is so unique and she is the sweetest girl ever. Reagan will never fail to make you laugh and her sense of humor is amazing! I love Reagan

From the moment I met her I wanted to spend as much time with her as I could! Everyone loves Reagan and tries to talk to her as much as they can. She takes all your worries away and helps you with your problems. Reagan is so much more than gorgeous and so much more the perfect.
She is the definition of a dream

Dude 1- Yoooo dude, I think I’m falling for Reagan.
Dude 2- no way man, I’m falling for her too.

by WillDaByers May 31, 2022


Reagan is a dirty cheater and a whore.

I hate Reagan

by iaintnosimp November 26, 2021


A Reagan Gets annoyed really easily, can’t make up her mind and make stupid decisions like shave her eyebrows or die her hair. She falls for guys way too easily and the guys are always drug attic’s. She is fun and crazy when you get to know her but shy at first, she has a good voice when she tries. She is usually very pretty. She is usually not very athletic but if she is she’s good at one sport only. She loves make up and hair styling, she cares a lot about what others think and she is a big people pleaser. She cares about what her friends think and she loves her friends and family more than anything. She is an animal person and loves animals a lot. She loves to travel.

Dangggg look how pretty she is must be a Reagan

by The name Reagan January 3, 2020


A prober bitch/hoe

Ohh she’s a proper Reagan (bitch/hoe)

by November 4, 2020


Regan is a girl who is rude, and acts like sometimes the word revolves around her. She's beautiful and she knows it, which makes her beauty intolerable to other girls. To guys she is attractive and social, but you never truly understand what is happening when it comes to her because she can be fake 80 % of the time except to her besets friends.

Bro: who's this girl with the bitch resting face?

bro: oh thats reagan..

by big-girls-dont-cry July 5, 2019


Reagan is the sweetest guy with the cutest smile. He makes you want to cherish him forever. Hes a gentle guy who seems to love to make you laugh. He may be quiet and seem kind of weird but once you get to know him, you will melt.

Girl: who would ever like reagan?
Other girl: me because i know him

by anonymous e00 May 2, 2022