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Sufferers Remorse

When in a game of spades, the score is one-side by a large margin and the losing teams bags the other just to prolong the game even though the losing team knows there is no way in Hell that they can come back and win.

Stop the Sufferers Remorse already! This game is over!

by TanisOmega March 15, 2012

Ballers Remorse

When you spend money like a baller then regret your spending it because you could have spent the money elsewhere.

Damn bro you balled out last night. I know bra I kind of have ballers remorse.

by musicaddict1389 April 2, 2015

Surfer's Remorse

A brilliant website that that draws you in then fails to complete some of the easiest fixes needing to be made and ends up making the users experience infuriating.

Dude, did you get the Urban Dictionary word of the day yesterday? No, I didn’t. Not for the last three days! Yeah, their intern who sends them must be on vacation and they’re too lazy or dumb to automate that feature!

Web Surfer's Remorse

by One and Done June 28, 2013

GPT Remorse

When you write your homework longhand, because you don’t want people to know you used ChatGPT.

"Yo, I totally had ChatGPT remorse last night. I had the AI draft my essay, but then I rewrote it in my own handwriting 'cause I didn't want my prof to think I was capping about doing my own work." -ChatGPT

by Poppet25 November 19, 2023

Hustler’s remorse

When you grow up in the struggle, make it big, and now feel like you owe everyone (guilt) who you came up with you who didn’t make it out of the struggle

The only reason you’re giving him that much is because of hustler’s remorse

by Cheeks212 May 28, 2022

browser's remorse

The regret you feel when you've either:
Wasted too much time browsing the net, Facebook stalking, pinterest and now you feel unproductive and wasted all your free time.
Googled something you wished you didn't i.e. If you google blue waffle you will have browser's remorse.
Accidentally clicked on internet explorer and now have to wait for it to finish loading so you can close it and open an actual browser.
The regret of not having bought something you spotted the day before and now you can't stop thinking about it or lost out on a great deal.

"I've been in bed in the whole morning now I have browsers remorse."
"Man I've got serious browser's remorse...I thought Dirty Sanchez was that Mexican cowboy cartoon character."
"Yeah you dingus! if you wanna be a cheapass don't try to infect me with your browser's remorse tomorrow"

by Draken-Savage (JHB) May 9, 2017

Swipers Remorse

When on tinder you either swipe right on an ugly person or left on a hot person. Regretting your choice instantly or later down the road.

Guy1: None of these girls are hot.
Guy2:Really? You have to have atleast one hottie.
Guy1: I haven't seen one.....FUCK!
Guy1:I just swiped left on a dime. Son of a bitch. I'm going to have swipers remorse on that one.

by Interemptor February 28, 2016