What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to perianal abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Cuban, Dominicans (Republic), and Spaniards: The First Juvenile Release...Ah Tu Maldita Madrina Y Padrino.
Where ordinary words go to be reborn.
Dictating while driving and doing her nails, her text said that she was happy with her new high bridge Toyota Penis. Could she give him a shocking lisp? If he would pick up a few ripe tornadoes and parrots she could cook his favorite vaginal soup.
He didn't even try to translate. Once again she had crossed the border into the Spell-Czech Republic.
The republican party today has embraced bigotry and hate to the liking of Mussolini who created fascism, out of admiration for the south's treatment of Black people. Then when asked about it they have NOT denied it and more over doubled down on these claims of authoritarianism/fascist hate. The entire party and this IS their platform today in 2022.
The Republi-Con-federate party today has lost itself and its intelligence.
The Narrative Journalism Magazine that was the start of the fabulist spree of Stephen Glass as he fabricated his sources in the mid-to-late 1990's. I studied the debacle to go double homicide with the taunting in the Shadow Dolls Plagiarism affair. My then room mate who was known for writing for Outburn and Chain D.L.K. rented the film based on the Buzz penned article from Vanity Fair. I had managed to pinterest the article and my facebook page exclusive as I caught a low-fi act from Boston trying to liken me to Stephen Glass as I called one of them a chomo as he was trying to say I was pretending to be a toughie as I pulled out a track of his album and a track from a compilation that I picked up on Bandcamp. I freight-trained the little fuck over his speaking ill of the Derleth family in front of me. He was the one who invoked a twitter war with me when I was active on the Cradle of Filth social network at the time. I have the blog tag "Plagiarism Scandals" as I was preparing to nail the SomethingAwful goon plagiarist for stealing my output along with Kealan's fanbase getting caught. In a PDF I wrote tweeting to VampireFreaks I pulled a demolition man move saying I am willing to reinstate Jayson Blair for one sole purpose -- go after the SomethingAwful plagiarist.
Reading about the Stephen Glass fabulist scandal on The New Republic as I saw the film in 2006 then ended up finding these fabrications floating around first hand. It helped me lay into the serial plagiarist David Boyer in what's now known as Shadow Dolls Plagiarism Affair. Boyer's plagiarism spree was longer than both Glass or Blair. Some in journalism circles saw The Cabbie Homicide as a frightening display of investigative journalism when it was written entirely from memory. In the era of the original events from 1993-1994, Chicago Tribune reported on the same subject for a good part of a year, from the murder to the turn of the subjects on each other then to the throwing the book at them.
a small island in the sea next to spain. its flag is yellow with a lion on
'ever visited urglesvenian republic of urzbeki?'