The last boss in battle for bikini bottom where you have to beat him by jumping on floating Saucers and move to the left while jumping so that he won’t hit you. You have to destroy the buttons on his face in order to beat him. Robot spongebob is also engaged to robot plankton and they both have a gay robot relationship.
Robot spongebob is scary, too bad they never implanted the buff bob steel pants part in the game. Instead it was cut out....
1. The sound made by people typing a text message with their keypad tones on.
*beep *beepbeep *beep *beepbeepbeep
Please turn off your keypad tones, the robot talk is annoying.
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CGI/robotic/fake/virtual Instagram models like Lil Miquela and Bermuda
“Omg I love Lil Miquela!”
“Eh, I think those robot thots are creepy & set unrealistic expectations for women’s bodies.”
Is a Company from New Jersey started in 1996. They design apparel, bags, and household products.
That Robot King shirt is super cool!
A myspace whore, or person who has a lot of friends on myspace and parties with all of them. Enjoys crazy activities, and is mischievous. Typically referred to females, and not males. "the human robot" originated in 2008 as a name based on a girl on myspace who was a party person who loved having fun. her name was constantly changed between different periods of time for example "the human vibrator" and "the human tampon" but the name that stuck was "The Human Robot".
"that girl who just added me is such a party girl that her name should be the human robot."
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