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Rough Jimmy

When you are giving a girl anal and she shits on your dick.

Robbie was giving lexi excellent anal when all of a sudden she gave rob a rough jimmy all over his cock

by Roughjimmy123 June 14, 2017

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that's rough, buddy

An often reply or saying that you use to respond back to when your friend has been in a situation that you can't relate too.

Sokka: My first girlfriend turned into the moon
Zuko: that's rough, buddy

by satoindisguise October 12, 2021

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Rough Knuckle

When you haven't shaved your vagina in a few days and it's prickly.

"She sure had a rough knuckle." "I'm sore from last nights rough knuckling"

by condenast June 23, 2019

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rough cupping

The act of whipping cutting or otherwise hurting a pussy, a BDSM act

Duuuude my girl is into Rough Cupping

that, is hard core!

by Syntheticdarkness April 18, 2008

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rough salad

Meaning harsh. Derived from when you order a delicious salad but instead you received a gross unwashed lettuce salad.

"Dude I had to wait in the Chipotle line for 20 minutes!"

"Oh man, rough salad."

by Stunna447 November 10, 2015

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rough necks

Bunch of whiny americans who play OFP and complain if they loose a game. Similar to MOD

Man 1: We won tonight!
Man 2: yeh? who against
Man 1: 3 guesses, they whine if they loose
Man 2: ahh RN, should have known

by Someone July 28, 2003

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Rough John

Masturbating while pooping.

I had a hard day and a big meal. I deserve a Rough John and relax.

by Johnny-Dog July 27, 2016

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